Dragon Gun Pain

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NOTE: Do not try this at home. Unless you are a dragon. With indestructible scales.

Vissa looked at her husband Tenor who lay asleep across from her, breathing softly and peacefully in his rest. Vissa watched him admiringly, he was so soft and sweet, her husband. Ever since she'd met him, he'd been very shy. She herself had been very shy too, but they had gotten along well sharing almost everything together, it was as if the other was the sole dragon in the Universe who they felt already knew them for who they were, and who they could feel comfortable sharing themselves with.

But there were some things Tenor was so shy about, he had a hard time even sharing them with her. Even now that they were married, he was still very self-conscious about his own body, and though he never tried to hide anything from her, he always had a hard time opening up about the more embarrassing aspects of himself.

Vissa had always been shy about those aspects too, but over time, she'd begun to feel a kind of amusement over them as well, sometimes so uncontrollable she would find herself giggling to herself, and the other dragons around her would think she was crazy.

As Vissa watched Tenor now, he was laying on his back, legs spread apart. If he noticed her watching, he'd shift in embarrassment, find a less embarrassing position, and say no more. But right now he was completely out, and didn't even notice the world.

Vissa looked at the gun she had checked out from the library. Should she? He was so cute, and it'd be so funny, she almost couldn't resist. Ever since she'd heard what fellow dragon Cindy had done to her husband Leviath, this plan had been forming in her mind. She knew her husband was too precious for this, but she couldn't help herself from feeling the humoristic draw. First she had checked the gun out from the library, and now here she was, in perfect position to perform her deed. It was almost too much to back out now.

And it was just too amusing, that boys were so sensitive that way. Besides, it wouldn't really harm him really, that's what dragon scales were there for, they were impenetrable to any force. Didn't absorb the pain so well (or at all really), but he wouldn't sustain any real damage. It'd be no worse than being shot with a paintball, except maybe a million times worse.

Okay, she was doing this. Poor sweet sleeping male husband. If only he knew what he was in for.

So Vissa aimed her gun.

I'm sorry Tenor, but I just had to do this...


She fired of two shots, quick and swiftly, two different targets, very close in proximity, but aimed with great precision to ensure she got both sides equally.

And less than an instant after being fired, the bullets hit target, right within that opening in the back legs, hitting sharp and clean.

Tenor's eyes shot open, he immediately burst into screaming. He dropped onto his side, his talons falling between his legs, clutching himself desperately. The bullets had hit him hard and blunt, and he couldn't fight off that nauseous agony that was washing through his body, two perfectly aimed shots competing for excruciating dominance of his frail body.

"My poor self!" He cried out, "My poor self!"

He had never expected such pain to ever consume his body, he couldn't take it. How could it be him! How could it be him!

Now Vissa just stood there watching, having no idea what it felt like, only watching him writhe. For her, it could have felt like nothing, and it'd be all the same for her. Her husband was surely acting in pain, but how much, she'd never know.

"Does it really hurt that bad?" She asked.

"Hurt that bad?" Tenor whimpered "I want to die!"

Wow. That must hurt a lot then. She was kind of feeling bad now. Maybe if she pretended it didn't hurt so bad she could feel better about it. It's not like she'd ever know the difference. But she was sure it didn't work like that for him, he'd be in whatever pain he'd be in, regardless of what she thought about it.

But then she saw the bullets, laying on the floor beneath him, all crumpled from the impact of the collision, and she realized how hard of an impact it must have been. She couldn't bear to think of what that must have felt like. She'd just imagine that impact felt only a little painful and leave what it really felt like on the side of reality she had nothing to do with.

"I'm sorry," she said to her writhing husband pretending he was feeling like an 8 out of 10, instead of acknowledging that it must really be much, much worse (she could probably bear to imagine an 8 if she had to), "do you need help with anything?"

"No," whimpered Tenor through teary eyes. He was well aware of how embarrassing this all was, how his most embarrassing weakness was put on display in front of his own wife. Sure she was his wife who he shared everything with, but she was also a girl to whom his predicament was foreign, and therefore he realized how ridiculous he must look to her. He was ridiculous, that's what boys were, and all his life he'd tried to hide himself from it. And now here Vissa was, watching over him as he writhed in his ridiculousness. Why had she done this to him? She knew he was sensitive. And the pain was too much for any sane dragon to take. Oh, it hurt so bad.

"If it's any consolation," Vissa told him, "I'm sure the pain will end eventually."

Yes, the pain would end eventually, but that time was not right now. Right now the pain was pure excruciating agony which simply could not be escaped, pain that was so unbearable that it was impossible to imagine being able to bear it 'til that time in which it would ease. But eventually it would fade. Just that time was not now. But hey, at least Vissa wouldn't have to view that wait as unbearable; that was only for Tenor to know what it really felt like.

Vissa looked at the gun. Perhaps it'd be best to return it to the library next time she went in.

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