Dragon Flame Pain

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In the darkness of the night in their cozy dragon cave, Cindy began to stir.

Lazily, she opened her eyes and looked over at her husband Leviath sleeping nearby. His chest was rising and falling calmly, but what caught her attention was his sleeping position. He was laying on his back, with his legs spread apart. She was sleeping right at his tail, so it was impossible not to notice this.

She didn't mind, he was her husband afterall, but she couldn't suppress the giggle. He looked so ridiculous sleeping like this, but at the same time, kind of hansom.

Suddenly, an idea hit her hard, it'd been something she'd secretly wanted to try on him for a while, but she had never thought of the perfect scenario. Now she suddenly had an idea, and she couldn't resist.

But then she hesitated. Was that too intense? She shook her head. That's what was great about dragon scales, they were basically invincible. You could do almost anything to them and it would never do the dragon any harm. But even though they couldn't come to harm that way, they were still as sensitive as anything else and whatever was done to them would be felt the same.

Oh, this idea was too good, she had to act on it before she changed her mind.

She rushed through the cave and found the place where they kept their oil. Quickly, she grabbed it, and brought it over to her husband. Fortunately, he hadn't moved.

Moving up to him, she uncapped the oil and started to pour it on him, right in the opening where his legs were apart. Fortunately, he was a deep sleeper, and didn't notice.

Now, for the final step. She could have done this part with her own breath, but that seemed too direct, so she chose to go with a more indirect method. Putting the oil down, she picked up a stick. Breathing on the stick, she lit in on fire.

She looked down at her husband. Was this even fair to do to him? It wasn't like he wasn't a nice guy. She thought back to the first time she'd brought up she might do such a thing to him.

"You know what sweetheart," she'd said, "Someday I think it might be funny if I were accidently hurt you where it hurts most."

"Whatever," he'd said, probably sarcastically. It wasn't exactly a yes, but it was the closest she was going to get if she wanted to surprise him. At the very least, he knew she had a thing for it, so what else could he expect? She was glad she wasn't male, there was just something about males that said "Do this to me!" whether they really asked for it or not. (Maybe it was because when they laid that way, it was near impossible not to see them that way!)

She looked at the torch, then back at Leviath. In a moment, there was going to be no going back for him. Her heart felt so bad for him...

Okay! Let's do this thing!

"Oopsie!" And with that, she "accidently" dropped the torch.

In an instant, Leviath ignited on fire, or at least the part of him where Cindy had poured the oil. His eyes snapped open, and he let out a sudden cry. What was happening to him!? It was hot! It hurt! It BURNED! The most sensitive place on his body, so vulnerable and unprotected, was on fire!

"OW! OW!" He cried, scrambling to the wall, pressing his back against it as he processed what was going on. "FIRE!" He cried, his legs flailing desperately on either side of the flame, not sure what to do, but knowing they had to do something, "I'M ON FIRE! MY- MY- MY B- OW!"

He tried to scramble back more, but his back just slid off the wall. He rolled on the floor, the fire continuing to flare. His talons instinctively reached for where the pain was, but they instantly jerked away as they got too close to the flame. Though burning talons surely would hurt nowhere near as much as what he felt now, it was the classic instinct to avoid inflicting more pain on himself, even if it meant easing the pain in the long run. It hurt worse than he could imagine, but he could not ease it without causing more pain to the other parts of his body, something his reflexes prevented him from doing.

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