Lightningstruck Griffin

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Gretchen looked over at Grey and sighed dreamily. Like the other griffin girls, she dreamed of taking a flight with the guy of her dreams, and for her, that guy was Grey. He was sure of himself, kind, and very, very handsome. She was going to ask him out when he was done with his conversation with the other students, before he returned to his dorm.

But unlike her fellow griffins, it wasn't just a flight she was imagining. Though she found him appealing the way he was, she couldn't help but feel certain appeal to the image that kept crossing her mind of him falling victim to a certain unfortunate circumstance. And though she couldn't help but feel a little guilty about it, she had already settled on a certain "prank" to ensure that circumstance would happen. Besides, the shopkeeper had assured her it was absolutely safe. She just couldn't pass up the opportunity to see the hottest guy fall victim to the hottest scenario. She felt herself blushing just at the thought of it, she could hardly contain herself. It was so definitely going to happen. What a wonderful thing males were, she thought to herself.

She tried to get her crush in check before she approached him, and no sooner had the others gone that she hurried up to him. "Hi," she said blushing, "not sure if you remember me, but I'm Gretchen, in your class of Weather 121. I was wondering, do you want to go on a flight with me." Oh, he was right there, so close to her, looking straight at her with those thoughtful eyes, she loved his presence so much.

But just then, thunder rumbled in the distance. Grey looked at her kindly, but shook his head. "I'm sorry, but that thunder sounds pretty close, best not to chance it." He paused, "How about tomorrow?"

This was where her part in the prank came into action. "Oh, no worries, I got lightning repellent." She pulled out a spray bottle and showed it to him.

"Really?" he said, grabbing the bottle and looking at it closely, "I didn't know they made these."

"Well, they do," said Gretchen, grabbing the bottle, and spraying it all over herself. She made sure to slow down as she passed it down her underbody to make sure he realized how important is was to get it everywhere, even if applying it to... specific areas was kind of awkward to do in front of your crush. Grey tried not to watch, but he surely knew what was happening. It made her like him even more. Hopefully it made him feel the same way about her as she felt about him thinking of the flight they were about to embark on (or what he was about to embark on that he wasn't even yet aware). Once she was done, she tossed it back to him, "So what do you say? Still want to wait until tomorrow?"

Grey shrugged, and sprayed the lightning repellent on himself too. He hesitated as he reached his own underbelly, but then applied it the rest of the way anyway, as discretely as he could with her politely looking away.

They were ready to go.

Only, Gretchen left out one really important factor. Yes, it was really lightning repellent, and it really worked. Mostly. But for some mysterious reason nobody could understand, there was one particular part of the body it did not work on. In fact it did the opposite there, it actually attracted lightning.

And it only happened with males.

As they flew over Griffin University and into the atmosphere, they could see the clouds gathering in the distance over the nearby mountains. No need to worry, they had lightning repellent.

Well, at least Gretchen had no need to worry.

Gretchen reflected upon the conversation she'd had with the store keeper when she'd discovered the terrible design flaw in the lightning repellent. At first she'd been aghast by the thought of it, no matter how attractive a scenario like that had sounded. "And they haven't discontinued it?"

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