Opossum Time-Reversal

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As the possum couple walked out of the theater, Mina couldn't keep the big amused grin off her face. Osmund looked over at her as she let out a chuckle.

"What's so funny?" Osmund asked.

"I just keep thinking," Mina said, "about when that character was just trying to do his best, and then he got knocked in his weakspot, and then he went down in agony like only a male could... I just love when that happens."

"I don't get why you're into that stuff," said Osmund self-consciously, not wanting to admit the thought she found it funny was kind of hot.

"It's just the thought... how every male... and how funny you all are there... that when you get hit there... no matter how weak or strong you are... seeing you all become so delicate in and dropping in agony I could never understand, and there's nothing you can do about it... the fact that we all work that way for this to happen is just... unbelievable. You males have such amazing bodies."

"Well, not every male," Osmund said, turning red.

Mina looked at him, "What do you mean?"

"I mean, not about having an amazing body... About being in that kind of pain... I can't imagine something like that happening to me." He shifted his legs.

Mina looked at him for a good long moment. Finally, "You mean to tell me that you've never been hit there in your entire life?"

Osmund went very red, imagining what Mina must be imagining about him this very moment. "If you're into it, then why have you never done it to me?"

Mina thought a good hard minute. "Well, I'm not that mean. It's funny, but if I did that, I could never take it back. Plus, there's nothing like the first time, if I did that to you then it would be over, any time I did that to you after that, you would already know what it feels like, now that wouldn't be very much fun. Plus, I couldn't scar you with those painful memories."

Osmund turned redder still, on the one paw, he was curious what that could even feel like to be in such agony, on the other, the thought of having his poor unfortunate shell of a body in such pain made him feel nauseous, of course that couldn't happen to him.

Mina sighed, thinking.

"If only there was a way where I could do that to you and take it back like it never happened so you'd never have to live with yourself as if you did."

The moment she said this, there was a sudden stillness in the air. Then, a moment later, a flash of blinding light. Mina and Osmund both jumped, covering their eyes.

Then, a voice, all feminine and majestic came from that light.

"Behold, I am the Goddess of Male Exclusive Injuries, your request has been heard and answered. From this day forward, you Mina will have the power to reverse time for the sole purpose of undoing your partner's first injury. Use this power well for the further you become from the injury the more your powers to undo it diminish. This power has an infinite amount of cycles and can be used up to 15 minutes past the recovery of his last injury. Enjoy your gift and may you forever find blessing in its usage. Fare well."

And then another flash, and she was gone.

Mina turned to face Osmund, pure amusement lighting her eyes. Osmund's eyes went wide.

"Wait, here?"

"Why not?" said Mina, "Nobody's going to remember it anyway."

Osmund tried to stall for time, all this time he was wondering what being hurt there could feel like, now suddenly, he realized he could be mere seconds away, and he was not ready, "But

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