Bucking Griffin

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"Griffins don't buck," Grey declared firmly.

"Well, it says you will on the box," Gretchen said, taking out the box to show it to him, "Males will buck, 100% guaranteed."

Grey sighed, once again his girlfriend had went out and bought a product to embarrass the living daylights out of the one place on him that the daylights should never shine (even though he wasn't sure where that phrase came from given Griffins never chose clothes in their entire history), and somehow, despite his self-consciousness about her thinking about him this way, he couldn't help but find it endearing.

Grey took the box and looked at it, his face went red, this was so embarrassing. He looked at the door, sure that his roommate wouldn't be back from his classes for awhile and sighed, "okay, we can try this, but close the door."

Gretchen's face lit up, amusement filling her to the brim, "really?" She tried to suppress her laughter, but it just came out in small titters. She rushed to the door to close it, and Grey sighed, feeling the dread at the oncoming regret he knew was sure to come, at least these walls were soundproof.

When Gretchen came back, she opened the box and pulled out two bands with mystical looking details along the band.

"Why are there two?" Grey asked.

"So we can try it together," Gretchen replied, amusement glimmering in her eyes.

"But you don't have..." Grey didn't finish the thought.

"That's the point," Gretchen snickered, taking the band at passing it all under her underbelly.

"No latch point detected," the magical band declared in a mystical feminine voice, Gretchen suppressed her laughter.

Grey was blushing bad now, he figured when he did the same thing, he wouldn't have the same result. Cautiously, he took his band and passed it under his belly (he looked at Gretchen awkwardly, she was watching every move), toward his back legs, then-

"Latch point detected."

In an instant, the band lifted up, and like drawn to a magnet, sprung forward, latching on to his...

Grey gasped, more from the suddenness of it than anything, but after a second, he paused, sitting down lightly on the floor, "actually, that doesn't feel too-"

"Entering stage 1."

Suddenly, Grey's face twisted, "okay, maybe it is a bit..."

He could feel the sudden tightness of the band, he squirmed a little in discomfort as he tried to remain still in his seated position, but he wasn't in any actual pain. Still, as Gretchen watched him, her face turned red, she was obviously trying to suppress her amusement at this, there was nothing cuter than a cute guy expressing discomfort at his most embarrassing region.

"Entering stage 2," the mystical voice declared.

Suddenly, Grey leapt onto all fours, "Yow!" feeling the band tighten a little more, this time he tried to reach for himself, just to ease the discomfort he felt, but then he ran into a problem.

"There's a forcefield," he said, peaking under himself, "I have a forcefield around the band."

Seeing Grey's discomfort was getting too much for her to bear. "Of course there is," she said, "we want you to buck, not fall to your knees and stay their folded up holding yourself."

Grey paced back and forth, trying to ease the growing tension within himself, he kicked a leg out behind him slightly, then another, moaning silently, but there wasn't much he could do.

"Entering stage 3."

Grey's eyes went wide, now it was getting serious, he stumbled a few paces, trying to remain calm, but it was too much, "Griffins don't buck," he said to himself through gritted teeth, kicking out his legs behind him, only one at a time so as to relieve tension but to not actually buck, "Griffins don't buck." But he couldn't hide it, he needed to do something to relieve the tightness in his weak spot. He struggled to reach there with his front paws, but the forcefield was still up, desperately, he kicked at the dirt behind him, one leg at a time, but he couldn't stop it, finally, all the tension building up in his back region was too much, he pulled in both back legs, and flung them out behind him in a buck.

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