Beaver Stone

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Olivia stood by the river watching the water flow through her webbed feet. She felt the relief of the cool water rushing away her emotions. She had just had an argument with her husband, and she didn't feel good about it. As a couple of beavers, their home was supposed to block the stream, but couldn't they at least make an opening for fish to pass by? He'd said it would destroy their whole blueprint plans and he couldn't have that. They'd said some hurtful things, and finally, she'd stormed out without anymore to say.

As she stood by the river, she caught a strange glint of something. Looking closer, she saw it was an oddly colored orange rock. Cautiously she reached down in the river to pick it up.

The instant her paws closed around it, she thought she heard a cry of agony somewhere around her, or maybe... a few? She couldn't tell, the river was kind of loud. But when she again opened her paws to look at the rock inside, it stopped. Maybe it was nothing.

She inspected the oddly colored rock curiously for a moment, but other than it's color, there was nothing that different about it. Still...

She closed her paws around it another time, just out of curiosity...

Back at the Beaver home, Olivia's husband was at work preparing a nice dinner for him and Olivia, perhaps this would make up for their argument, when suddenly another rush of agony hit him. He cried out, trying to hold himself back, but the agony was clutching at him where he was weakest. He dropped the pan and dropped to his knees, his paws clutching desperately at his weak spot, the weak spot only a male would know, right where his legs connect. What was happening?!

Olivia stood by the river, clutching the rock tightly, she was so frustrated with her husband. She knew she loved him, but she had to get this anger out. She squeezed the rock tighter.

Olivia's husband cried out in agony as he collapsed onto his side. The pain was unbearable, he couldn't take it! Anywhere but THERE!

Olivia stood by the river clutching the rock tighter and tighter, screams of agony were now clearly rising from the forest around her, but she was so stressed she didn't even notice, she just putting more and more pressure on that rock her paws aching from how tight she was holding it.

Unbeknownst to her, as she held this rock, every male on the entire planet of Armond would feel excruciating pain in the most weakest of places, the tighter she held it, the more painful it hurt. And she was holding it very tightly. Every male on the planet was screaming out in terrible agony, writhing around in pain, and every female on the planet was looking at them wondering what on the planet was going on.

But Olivia didn't notice, she was just releasing all her frustration onto that stone, it was just a stone, what would it care?

But she knew her husband was just trying his best. Yes, she was frustrated, but they would find a way to work this out. Finally, she began to let herself calm down, and her grasp on the rock calmed. Finally, she opened her palm and looked at the rock. That was nice. She really had felt that rock had helped her relieve some stress.

She dug a hole in the ground and buried the rock inside, she'd come back here again next time she needed to relax some of her nerves.

As she walked back through the forest toward her home, she kept hearing the whimpers of unfortunate animals that seemed to be recovering from some tragic ordeal recently. What had happened here while she was distracted?

Finally, she reached her home, opened the door, and went inside.

"Honey, I'm home!" She found him in the kitchen, laying curled up weakly on the floor.

"What happened to you?" She asked.

"You don't want to know," he rasped.

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