Chapter 22

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I woke and groaned noticing in the mirror that I took no makeup off and so it was all over my face and my hair was just mental.

I twisted my body and saw that James wasnt lying next to me and I looked at the time and saw it was only 9:30 am, James would never wake up this early in a million years. I scratched my head in confusion but fixed myself up and slowly walked into the living room

"Iris?" I heard a small voice but it darted my attention straight away and I saw James sat on the couch and he looked rough, like he didnt sleep all night but he was still perfect in my eyes.

"Yes." I bluntly said, I didn't want to be angry but I had know choice.

"I'm sorry." he looked down in shame

"Well sorry just doesn't cut it anymore James."

I began walking to kitchen when he grabbed my wrist

"Please forgive me iris, I hate it when you're mad at me for gods sake."

"I don't want to be mad James! but you've given me no choice! you can't keep treating me like I'm your property and that you can use me as a punching bag because its not fair James it's not fucking fair."

He smashed his lips onto mine and I couldn't break the kiss it felt too good it made me want more.

"I love you." He said before kissing me once again and picking me up and throwing me onto our bed.

"I won't hurt you anymore baby, let me show you how much you mean to me."

I nodded my head and smiled and He look like a child who just woke up on Christmas morning.

We ended up staying in bed till around noon before James had left to go to the toilet or whatever.

His phone alerted a message and I knew I shouldn't look but I couldn't help myself

'Ill have her whether you like it or not, you owe me and this is what I want' I dropped his phone and pretended like I knew nothing though on the inside I was absolutely scared to death.

I don't know what I did to deserve a life full of fear but I know I couldn't give it up because James means too much for me, are relationship is toxic.

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