Chapter 24

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It was like in that moment my whole world came crashing down and I had nothing to stop it from falling any deeper.


Me and James were about to leave the restaurant when all of a sudden two very familiar faces came walking through the door, I instantly froze.

"Iris hey what's wrong?"

"H-he's o-over there." I stutter while not taking my eyes off the direction he was standing, my rapist.

"No no no no." James spoke to himself and I couldn't move, I was as stiff as a board as the text on James' phone came ringing through my brain.

"Why hello there James." David cockily said and smiling in a vicious, sick way.

"What the fuck do you want." James spat back and I was still frozen.

"I think you know exactly what I want." he said in a quieter voice and looked straight at me with them poisoned dark brown eyes.

"Iris lets go."

"Don't think that's a very good idea, do you James?" he pulled out a gun and placed it on my chest and now my breathing was out of control

"Let go of her now." he shouted causing the whole restaurant to stare at our table and started to create a manic scene.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP ALL OF YOU OR ILL KILL YOU AS WELL YOU PIECE OF SHITS." David screamed at the building audience and the became quiet like straight away.

"GET DOWN ON THE FLOOR." they did as they were told, like innocent children.

Because of the mess that was created and the people watching James threw David's gun on the ground and ran out holding me behind him but there was no where we could escape to. it was like a maze. The car had been burnt alight my tears were falling so hard.

"James make it stop."

"I'm trying to baby but just know I love you so so much and I won't let them hurt you."

"I love you too please don't leave me James." he smiled at me with sad eyes and held me close I never wanted to let go

"Aw isn't this cute." The twisted voice piped up behind us.

"Adorable." James pulled out the gun he stole of David ass licking mate without him even realising as we were escaping from the restaurant.


That's when it happened.

That's when my whole life fell apart.

The bullet came straight towards me but James dove in and took it before it could hit me.

"JAMES." I screamed and ran over to him watching the blood ooze out of his back

"Stay strong for me baby, I love you, I'm okay now the pains leaving." his voice came out in whispers and his eyes started closing

"NO JAMES, WAKE UP, PLEASE STOP WAKE UP." I shook his body and but I knew it was no hope the love of my life was dying in my arms and it was too late to do anything.

I cried so hard whilst holding his head and shoulders into my arms hugging down on him covering myself with blood from his chest but I no longer cared.

"Ill see you soon James, Ill never forget you and I love you more than anything or anyone." I kissed his lifeless lips and the ambulance took his body and put it in the body bag and that was that. Everything changed in a blink of an eye.


I never moved on, he was my life, it was too hard to ever forget James the thought of that night kept playing over and over in my head like a record on repeat.

I knew what I had to do.

"Ill be with you soon baby I promise, I can't do this without you by my side, I need you." I whispered next to his grave, crying but happy tears.

I took the bottle of pills and didnt even regret taking them all at once I lay next to James' grave and waited for it, for it all to end and for me to be with him.

"Baby." he spoke softly while stroking my cheek.

"James." I said full of hope.

"Yes it's me, were together now iris, no one can break us apart."

He smiled and held my hand as we walked up the long, beautiful road I didn't know where It lead but I knew what I did was right.

How can you live without oxygen? James was my oxygen and when he goes, I had too as well.



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