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We eventually made it to the Hotel after a thirty minute drive. We reached our destination early since it was late, and only few cars still passed on the road.

The name of the Hotel was written boldly on a digital billboard just at the entrance, as 'GIG's HOTEL/APARTMENTS '. The digital billboard also displayed moving pictures of the Hotel's environment, rooms, pools, etc.

"Wow! This is indeed a top rated place like you said." my mood elevated. I turned to stare at her for confirmation; whether she also liked the place. The broad smile on her face was enough for me to know the kind of happiness that filled her heart.

The Hotel was cocooned in fog, making it really difficult for us to admire the surrounding more.

Even in the cloud of mist, the green grasses in the lawns glittered, from the reflection of the bright lights and the stars that adorned the night sky.

"Good evening! How can I assist you at this time of the night? The receptionist said.

"Good evening." I replied and smiled cheerfully. "Actually, we're looking for a room to stay in your hotel."
"For all three of you?"

"No! Just for the two of us." I smiled and pulled her a little closer, which she didn't react.

"And how long do you intend to stay?" she asked.

"Well, I don't really know, weeks, months, maybe." I said still holding her hand in mine.

"Would you like an apartment then?"

"Okay, sure." I said and forced a smile.

"Alright, I'll work on it for you immediately." said the receptionist as she pulled some papers out of the drawer.

After some minute of what felt like an interrogation, she finally handed us the key to room 456, on the third floor.

"Can we get food?" I asked as my stomach cried, not loud to be heard by them.

"Yes please, just order from here and we'll bring it to your room very soon." she said and handed the menu to me.

After ordering, I pulled the envelop from my back pocket, took a few Dollar notes and handed it to the receptionist without even counting.

Isn't that how rich people pay for things? They don't count the money right? Yeah, that's what I did.

The receptionist stared at me incredulously, wondering how the raggedly dressed guy in front of her had that lots of Dollar bills on him.

"Here's the change sir" She called and walked towards us.

"Don't worry, you can keep it." I said and gave her a genuine smile.

I just could not have taken the money, not after she turned her head to one side and tilted it down slightly, and gave me a slight smile, her eyes also turning towards me.

That's flirting right?

All this while, the driver still followed us, not asking for money nor complaining of the time he was wasting.

"Thank you very much, driver. We're grateful for all your time and efforts." I said.

"Call me John sir." The driver said and we shook hands.

I pulled out the envelop with the Dollar bills once again, but the driver grimaced showing his disapproval for the Dollar notes.

"Sir, if you don't mind, I'll prefer cedis instead." John said.

"Sure, I'll change it for you."

I pulled the envelop with the cedis, and took out some few notes with 200 cedis written on it and handed it to John. And without even counting it, he thanked me and asked to leave.

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