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All I could still think about was her safety.

"Now let's all wait till my father comes. The real owners of these assets are on their way." Clement spoke.

Immediately he ended, we could hear the sound of a car coming to a halt, lights flashing around.

Terror stabbed my heart when I saw Mr.Agyemang walking into the room with another man behind him.

Mr.Agyemang stopped immediately he got to where Daisy stood. He said something into her ears but Daisy grimaced and left his side.

"James, my boy. Finally we meet again." he said and smiled. I wanted to see the facial resemblance between Daisy and her father but nothing looked similar between them, not the color, not the shape of their nose. Just nothing.

"Can we get to business already." The man whose face looked a little familiar spoke walking towards me.

"I'm sure we've met before. My name is Pablo, but I'm mostly known as Big Norla around this area." he said and walked past me moving directly to the safe locker.

"What's the date of birth again?" he asked.

"010815" Mr. Agyemang said.

"Are you really sure about that? We only have one chance." Pablo said.

"I was the child's godfather and I really remember when he was born." Mr.Agyemang countered.

"Okay then. Ladies and gentlemen lets finally end this." Pablo said as he entered the code.

And immediately, the familiar computerized voice spoke.

'Welcome back once again Mr. Jackson Kimberley, it's been exactly One hundred and two days since you last opened your treasure bag.'

And immediately, the safe sprung open. From where I stood, I could see the safe giving a warm-shiny light.

Everyone moved towards the safe except Daisy and I. She moved closer to where I stood. She was about to speak but stopped when Clement turned back to look at her with a dazed look.

"Wow!" Pablo shouted.

"J.K really converted all the money into gold."

Mr.Agyemang said taking a bar of gold from the safe.

"He's a genius then." Mr. Agyemang said picking a gold bar too.

"Yeah. He is...and so are we." Pablo said.

Before I realized, both Pablo and Clement had their guns pointed to Mr.Agyemang's head.

"What nonsense is this Pable?" Mr.Agyemang thundered, still holding the bar of gold in his hands.

"Give it back." Pablo said wheezing heavily.

"Give what back? We just have to share it equally, it's just you and I" Mr. Agyemang spoke.

"There's no you and I. Just give it back before I blow your head off."

"You can't be serious." Mr. Agyemang moved towards the safe and before he could pick another gold bar, the startling sound of gunshot echoed deafeningly in the room as Pablo had shot him from behind.

Daisy screamed louder than the sound of the gun and went to her father who lay on the ground bleeding from the head, a pool of blood forming around him.

"No Daddy...No...You can't die. I'm sorry, I still love you as my Dad. Please get up." Daisy said crying heavily.

"You killed him...you animal...you killed my father." she continued to cry.

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