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I woke up early the next day and started with my first task for the day which was mowing the lawns.

The job was perfectly completed within minutes since I wanted to impress my master.

Thank God my parents forced me to learn these little house maintenance skills.

I did every work I was given to perfection in fear of losing not only the job, but the room too.

I was told by Bongo that most guys who were given the job always got sacked not longer than a month of working there.

I don't know if he said that to scare me away from working in the house or it was a real fact. Well it even motivated me to work harder in order to keep the job.

"Your next work is to wash Mr.Agyemang's car." Bongo said.

I took my time and washed the car like it would never hit the road again. It looked neat and sleek which I think Mr.Agyemang noticed but never gave a comment.

Mr.Agyemang later left the house after giving specific instructions to each worker including the maid servants except me.

I stayed at the security post because that was where I was instructed to stay throughout the day.
The maid came to serve me with both breakfast and launch which I really enjoyed.

"Work and eat for free? Wow! I'm enjoying this." I beamed.

"This was way better than following some inexperience young boys to go and rob a house, and as for those boys, hmm... I have nothing to say to them."

Mr.Agyemang later arrived in the evening and he unexpectedly commented on my work for the day especially with the car. As I said earlier, I knew that first impressions always counts, so I did my best to wash every dirt off the car.

It seems it paid off.

This work routine continued for days and eventually weeks, and after the first two weeks, I had a lot of questions to ask about the house I was living in.

"Why is Mr.Agyemang without a wife or a child?" I would ask myself.

"Why is this house always silent, like everyone else was mourning."

One thing I also didn't understand was the job the other two guys did in the house, because I was practically the one working on any task given.
Of course, I had no answers to these questions because I never asked anyone. And when I finally did, I didn't get the answer I had wanted.

"Can I ask you something?" I said to the maid when she brought my lunch.

"What do you want?" she curtly replied.

That's surely the reactions of a typical maid who thinks the security post guy likes her. Not at all. Or maybe not now. I thought to myself.

"Why is Mr.Agyemang without any wife or a child?" I asked.

The question run chills through her like ice has been poured on her body on a cold day.

"Don't you ever ask me about her again?" she shouted, trying to hold her emotions in.

"Her? Who's her?" I questioned.

"If I were you, I would keep my mouth shut and do my work in peace." she concluded and left the room.
"Aisha wait...."

"Hey wait." I followed her.

"Did I say something bad? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

She pretended not to have heard me and increased her pace until she was out of sight.

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