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We arrived at our destination just after twenty-five minutes of leaving the Hotel.

The name 'Dr. Shelly Shelington's Therapeutic Centre' was boldly written on the wall of the building we were walking towards.

​"Hello, welcome to Dr.Shelly Shelington's Therapeutic Centre'. A lady in a white overall coat said when we made our way through the entrance.

​"Do you have an appointment with Dr.Shelly today? She asked.

"Yes, at exactly 10:30." I replied.

​"AM or PM please?" she asked.

I turned to look at Daisy's face, and saw the same facial expression I was expecting to receive from her. The expression that said 'So my question wasn't dumb after all'. We both smiled.

The lady also stood beside us, forcing a smile as she had no idea why we both smiled.

​"AM of course" I said, like that should be the most obvious answer.

"Okay, please follow me." She said and led the way.

She knocked on a door and led us into a room.
The colour on the wall was a shade of blue. It was light and soothing. There were two chairs with back support directly at the centre of the room, where you can clearly see the other chair which looked a bit raised and huge.

There were books neatly arranged on the shelf just behind the lone huge chair.

"Please be seated, Dr. Shelington will be with you shortly, but while you wait, please fill out these forms." She said and handed some sheets of paper to me, and left the room through a door that probably led to another room.

I realized it wasn't mine to fill and handed it to Daisy who quickly took it and completed the form within some few minutes.

And after that, we both sat there in total silence. The room was so quiet we could hear each others breath.
Some few minutes later,the famous Dr. Shelington walked into the room, wearing the same kind of overall clothing the other lady had on. But hers had her name boldly written on it. Her pink spectacle gave her the old, but dope look.

​"You're welcome James and Daisy." She said as her face beamed with smiles.

"Thank you Dr. Shelly; Dr. Davidson has said a lot about the good work you're doing here." I replied.
​Dr. Shelly turned to me and said. "Thank you James, but if you don't mind, I'd like to get to know my client now." She smiled.

Well that didn't sound nice in my ears, but if I understood her well, she meant I should get the hell out for her to speak to Daisy privately.

Yeah. Get the hell out. That's how it sounded in my ears.

"Sure.Sure.. I'll be waiting outside." I smiled and left the room.

I went to sit on a chair just at the entrance of the therapy room, where Daisy and Dr. Shellington were 'Getting to know each other' like she said.

I could barely hear a sound from the room but the only thing I heard was the name Rose and Jack, being repeated like three times.

Well maybe rose was the name of her mother she hasn't told me about. Or maybe rose was the one who tied her up in the garage. If so then who is Jack?

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