11. RUN! RUN! RUN!

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I stopped running when I got to the roadside, my heart beating faster than athletes at the end of their race.

"Why does my life always take a turn whenever things seem to work out fine?" I questioned while panting.

That is definitely a rhetorical question. My tinny inner voice replied.

I just couldn't process what I had just seen.

I run my hands through my unkempt hair as I walked about. I gave a deep sigh and finally sat down on the big stone which was naturally shaped like a chair resting along the road.

People stood there waiting for their buses to commute. Various driving conductors passed by me shouting on top of their voice, calling passengers into their vehicles.

The cacophony of porters, sellers and passenger movements disturbed my thoughts.

I rose up, and made an attempt to hop into the nearly full bus, but I didn't. No! I just couldn't. There was no where I could go to, but I still wanted to get out of the town.

I sat down once again, buried in my thoughts, and lost in my reveries, thinking about what I had seen earlier today.

That was when the realization hit me like a heavy storm.

That was when I understood why Bongo told me about workers leaving their job behind only after few weeks and months of working there.

Maybe they also witnessed what I just saw.
Exactly! how can anyone continue to live in a house after seeing this evil.

I continued to sit there, totally lost in my reveries, my eyes narrowed, as confusion clouded my face.
I sat there for minutes, with my chin resting on my palm, and trying to make a decision, but my mind would always wander off immediately I try to even think of a way forward. The hectic noise at the road side also made it more difficult for my brain to think.

"Maybe I should behave like any other person who might have seen this, and has kept quiet about it." I thought.

"Or maybe they're all dead?"

"Oh God! They might come after me. They'll think I'll tell someone." I panted.

But I won't tell anyone about this. I promise I won't. Even my thought trembled.

They definitely don't know that. All they'd think is that you'll let people know so flee from here. My tinny inner voice advised.

I had to flee. I had to take the advice from my inner voice and flee the city immediately, since they will eventually know and track me down.

People standing nearby waiting for their buses, stared at me with a surprise look; as if to tell me to calm down. While others stared with disgust written all over their face, probably thinking I was going mad.

​Well I didn't really care about what they thought of me. What I saw took a toll over my body, over my senses and my emotions as well.

Terror flowed through me like lava, at the thought of what might happen to me in case they find me, and I planned on leaving the city for good.

"But where do I go from here? Who do I go to?" I asked and stood there expecting an answer from the universe.

If I should remind you again,you have no where and no one to go to. The tinny little voice spoke again.

"I didn't ask you for help, did I?" I subconsciously shouted.

You did, you always do.

"Just shut up and leave my head, you little voice" I fumed.

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