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We stopped when we got closer to where the cars were packed, as we heard the chaotic noise of motor bikes and people approaching the house.

With her still behind me, we hid behind the cars packed on the compound, waiting to see who it was.

​Five armed men entered the house by destroying the lock on the main entrance. She shook with terror and started to whimper but it wasn't loud enough to be heard by the men.

​"Shh, stop crying. Don't make any more noise, they might kill us both if they find us." I fizzled the words out.

"Hey you come." The man with the red-dyed hair called out to the only unarmed guy among them.
​"Get inside and find out if anyone is in the house." the red-hair guy said.

​"Yes boss." he said and dashed into the main rooms.

After some few minutes later, he returned and said, "Boss, I think there's no one in the house. But I saw some traces of blood that led to the last room on the upper floor."

"Did you check the room." the red-hair guy asked.

​"No boss, I was so scared to enter." he replied.

"What! You got scared?" he fumed, as he held his elbow wide from the body, with his chest thrust out. The red-hair guy who looked like their boss, walked to the unarmed guy, cracking his knuckles.

​"You can't even do this, and you expect me to hand a gun over to you? You don't even have the gut to be a member of the Asakaa boys club." he said.

"I'm sorry boss, I'll go and check it now." he said and headed towards the rooms once again, but the red-hair guy stopped him.

​"Hey! Stop, I gave you your chance to level up in the group but you blew your shot. Go outside and call the other rookie to come here while you watch over the motor bikes."

​"Yes boss." he said and dashed out.

"Hey Langa!" the red-hair guy called the tall boy among them. "Go inside and bring me every detail on what you see."

"Yes boss." he said and run inside.

All this while, we stayed hidden behind the car packed just beside the red-headed guy, but no one seem to notice us even though the lights were shining bright on the compound.

The tall guy returned after some few minutes and gave out every detail on what he had seen.

​"Stop panting and talk to me." The boss demanded.

"Boss, I saw J.K, the man we're looking for killed; with his clothe soaked in his own blood and lying on his bed. I touched the blood and it still felt fresh; meaning he was killed earlier today." he said and continued panting.

What! He was killed today? They might think I did it if they catch us here. The thought crowded my head.

"Shit! I think Pablo's boys have been here already." he cursed and walked about the compound with a jerky head movement.

"If they've been here already, does it mean they have the book which has the password in it ?." One of the guys asked.

​"No..no..no." The leader fumed.
"We need to find it, that's the only way we can get the money he has hidden."

"It's not just that, I heard he left his git-card also in the book."


"That will definitely be our end if they already have it. We need to do everything to get it back. But first, divide yourself into groups and search every room in the house for the book. Maybe it might still be around somewhere." he said and led the way into the house while the men followed.

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