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When I saw the angry men coming after me, with every modicum of energy and strength left in my trembling body, I run speedily towards the wall far from where they stood, and jumped without any second thoughts as to where I was going to land from the air.

With that jump, I'm sure I could have gotten an olympic medal in a high jump.

Unfortunately for me, I landed with my face flat on the ground, but fortunately for me, I was outside the house and have escaped the death trap I was in.

I could hear the entrance gate shaking, as they tried to open, but it seemed locked.

Things couldn't get any worse for me, could they?

Well they did.

My eyes appeared damp and overly bright at the sight of the angry mob-neighbors, who were awake from their sleep in the middle of the night, and holding cutlasses and sticks, ready to use my body as lunch for their dogs too.

My legs started to wobble with fear.

I run as fast as my jaded legs could carry me, while the angry mob chased after me, and were throwing stones at me.

A heavy stone hit my head, but the throbbing pain couldn't stop me from running as I feared for my life more.

Keep running. Pain is temporary. A familiar inner voice spoke to me.

I threw my body into a hole which looked like a gutter. The smell hitting my nose nearly suffocated me. I could hear the mosquitoes singing and dancing around me, but I still couldn't move. I couldn't even hush them off.

I stayed there quietly until the angry mob came to pass by without anyone noticing me.

Even though the hiding spot looked really filthy, I had no other option than to stay there quietly. It was really the least of my problems.

"We would definitely beat him to death if we catch him" I heard a man speak among the mob.

"What exactly did they take from your house" The same voice asked.

"We can't find any of our phones we left on the counter before bed." The familiar voice that shouted 'Thief...thief' after me said.

"Our laptops and wrist watches have also been stolen" He continued.

They stood there for a while, threatening me, and saying things they'd do to me when they finally get hold of me.

I felt sick with fear, when one man said he'd feed me with cockroaches when they catch me. That would really feel disgusting, wouldn't it?

Some also stood there, debating on which road I could have possibly used since it was a three way road.

They complained and threaten for a while, and finally left.

I couldn't hear the voices again. That was when I knew I was safe, at least for the night.

They're all gone. Should I leave now?

I thought, but my mind screamed down it's own suggestion: Its still not safe out there, and you're too weak to even walk.

I began to sweat copiously and gasping for air.
The pangs from the stone hitting my head began to take over my body.

I felt very weak. My vision was blurring as I felt unconscious and lay almost dead in the gutter.

God please don't let me die.

That was my last thought before I let go.


I felt the same throbbing pain in my head when I woke up, but this time, it was more intense. It was burning, like my head was placed on fire. I could feel twinges in my legs and hands too.

Even if the dog couldn't get me, the mosquitoes clearly got the better of me, as small spots filled with blood, from their bit, were all over my skin.

I tried to process everything that happened early that day. I tried to replay everything that led to me lying in that filthy gutter, but my head didn't allow me, as the pain intensified whenever my brain made an attempt.

But at least I was happy I didn't die. Maybe God didn't want me to die as a thief.

Even though the pain in my head didn't want to stop, going to the hospital was the last thing on my mind. I couldn't raise any suspicions.

I was rather thinking of how to deal with those boys for running out on me last night.

"I swear I'm going to kill those guys." I said, as I finally gathered the energy to get out of the gutter.

I stepped on the road and headed towards our usual hiding spot.

I could feel an emotion of both anger and disappointment boiling up in me. It was written all over my face, as I was gradually approaching our small 'ghetto'.

After about 20 minutes of dodging people, and using shortcuts, I finally got to our spot, and to my surprise, the room was empty with not even a debris on the ground.

​"How's this possible?" I asked myself.
I suddenly became still, after the realization rushed through my brain.

​"They have left without me." I shouted and clenched my fist.

I was about to hit the wall with my clenched fist when suddenly, a twinge in my hand reminded me about the pain I was already dealing with. So I stopped, but my hand was still tightened into a fist.

"How could they do that to me.? How could they....How..." I felt my face turning hot.

I kept running my hand through my hair, ignoring the pain I felt whenever my hand touched the bruise on my head from the stone hitting it.

"They couldn't even wait for me to return." I shouted.

Maybe they sensed trouble coming. A voice in my head spoke.

Or they thought you were killed. Another voice suggested.

"No! they intentionally left me here, and flee with all the things I stole". I said with a boisterous voice that silenced my inner voices.

The most disturbing thing was that, they didn't even leave my belongings there. There were no clothes, shoes, or any other item that belonged to me. The room was literally desert looking now.

That was when I knew I couldn't stay there too.
My instincts were telling me to flee immediately.

And even though I had no one else and no where to go, I was happy because, I still had the money which I stole still tucked in my pocket.

"This will help me survive for weeks." I said and placed it back into my pocket.

Immediately I turned to leave, I heard chaotic voices approaching the room. From the sound of the voices, I knew it was definitely the angry mob who were still chasing me down.

They know I was the one. They know I stole from the house. How?

My hunch was right, there was danger approaching.

It was now a decision of fight or flight and fighting was definitely not an option for me.

What should I do now? Where should I hide?

Hide?? Are you crazy, James. Just run. A voiced shouted in my head.

I quickly escaped through the window, and Luckily for me, I was already outside the room before they entered.

Within seconds, I was far away from the place. I was quiet and careful and avoided being seen by those after me.

I knew then that the best thing for me to do now was to get far away from the town, which is probably what the other guys have done.

All I wanted now was for the driver to take me far away from the town.

"Where should I take you?" the driver asked immediately I stopped him by the road side.

"I would rather be anywhere but here." my voice quavered.

The driver took off and my journey began. A new adventure lay ahead of me.

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