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"What? Impossible. How come you're awake so early?" Daisy sat down beside me on the sofa, staring at me incredulously.

"Well, at least a 'Good morning' will be a nice way to start the day." I said and lifted my chin, giving her a lopsided grin.

"I'm sorry about that, I've not seen you up this early in the morning. I'm just surprised."

"And you seem happy, what's the good news?" she asked, folding her arms.

"Why wouldn't I be, it's a Miracle Morning." I said and smiled.

"Miracle Morning?"

"Yes, it's a morning filled with surprises and positive feedback." I said picking up the pen to circle a word from the book.

"Can you please stop speaking in parables already?" she tilted her head back, her gaze directly on me.

"Okay...Okay..." I said and tossed the book towards her.
"See it for yourself."

Immediately she took the book, her mouth fell open at the group of circled words starring back directly at her.

"You found all the words?" she touched her parted lips with her fingers.

"Yep." I said, still smiling.

"I just can't believe you've made meaning out of all these words."

"So now we know, 'COLOTAIN: LISTWELSTH', means 'LOCATION: WESTHILLS', 'LOBCK: NEXNA666' meant 'BLOCK: ANNEX 666'." she said.

"I can't see the last one, it's not really clear. What does it mean?" she flipped the book back to me.

" 'ROWDSASP: NOS DIRTBAYH' in his book means, 'PASSWORD: SON BIRTHDAY'." I said and tossed the book back to her.

"Wow! James, you're such a genius." She smiled at me.

So now every information we needed from J.K's book has been deciphered. At least that's what I thought. We just needed a plan, if we were really going to be successful in the mission ahead.

"So now we have every information we need right?" she wrapped a curl around her finger.

"Yes and No." I said.

"What do you mean by that?" she asked.

"The password is J.K's son's birthday, how are we going to get that?" I replied with my fingers tapping the tabletop.

"We'll get that soon, trust me." she leaned forward and took my hands in hers, which always fit perfectly in mine, like it was made for me.

"John came here last night." she told.

"John? Why? What did he want?" there was a rise in my vocal pitch.

"You were asleep then, and he said he wanted to apologize for not coming to pick us up."

"Did he have to do that late in the night?" my muscles turn rigid, and my posture stiffened.

"Initially I got scared and wanted to wake you up, but I stopped when I realized it was John."

"Why?" I asked.

"It didn't sound like a knock at first, it was like he was forcing his way in." Daisy said.


"Yeah. And I even saw him yesterday just at the entrance on our way back from our vacation. He was with some group of guys, which was a little surprise because I didn't consider him to be the kind to make friends with guys like that" she let out a harsh breath.

"Guys like what?"

"Yeah. They looked like the guys who chased us from J.K's house months ago. I don't think they're the same guys though, but they really looked like them."

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