A Heart to give and a love unreceived

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Where in Ryujin ran away from her life five years ago.

Ryujin's Pov

"Good to tell you that the operation was successful ma'am, she will wake up in just a bit, she's just resting" I said checking the records of the patient

"Thank you so much Dr. shin, this means so much for us" the patient's daughter spoke

"I'm just doing my job ma'am. Anyone who was in my position would do anything to save the patient." I smile while looking them sincerely

"You can check her within an hour at her room, you can go to the cafeteria in the meantime while waiting"

"Yes Dr. shin, thank you again, we thought we were going to lose her, Thank you, Really." ma'am kim said while bowing and then left to the cafeteria.

"Congrats Dr. Shin, I knew you could do it" someone said from behind me and patted my back.

"oh please, you were so scared for me to do the operation what's with the sudden change of words Dr. yeonjun?" I asked facing him while I raised my left brow

"oh come on. I was just scared that the operation might fail and they'll blame you again and say harsh words towards you being a doctor and you being.. a human being." he said, his face changes from smiling to looking worried.

"eyy let's move on ok? I told you I am fine, I didn't fail the operation, the patient just was to weak and there's nothing that can be done about it."

"Dr. shin I'm just worried for you. What if-" yeonjun didn't get to finish when his words were cut of by my skillful hand. My hand is precious of course, it saved many lives and it keeps me alive. If it weren't for that b*tch head surgeon, I might've had a higher position. I really should've kicked him in the shin when I had the chance.

"Dr. yeonjun we talked about this, Please.. don't cross the line"

"I'm sorry Dr. shin, I won't do it again" yeonjun lifted up his pinky and said "promise" I gladly locked Pinky's with him and smiled.

"Dr. shin, Dr. yeonjun!" Dr. Lee shouted at us while in loss of words from running

"Dr. Lee is there a problem are you okay?" I asked worriedly seeing her breathless.

"There's *huh* a *huh* patient *huh*-

"Dr. Lee calm down first" yeonjun said.

after calming down for three-ish minutes she then spoke

"Dr. Shin there's a patient in room 102 that has a heart disease and needs transplant within next week." Dr. Lee chaeryeong said looking at me worriedly.

"really? ok I'll check it now." I said as I stood up, but before I could walk further away a hand suddenly held my wrist, when I looked down to see who it was, it was Dr. Lee.

"is there anything more to say Dr. Lee?" I asked confused.

"It's your twin Ryujin"


I am now Infront of room 102, our head doctor told me to be a substitute doctor and I couldn't say no because a deep part inside of me was also curious about how they've been through all these years .

I knocked three times before I entered

seeing my twin laying on the hospital bed with my parents holding her hand looking worried and

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