Marriage and Secrets Pt.3

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it's best to leave.

"Yes." I said confidently

they all turned their attention to me confused of what I blurted out.

"I accept the marriage" I said which made all of their eyes bulge out in utter shock

"R-ryujin-" before anyone could protest I heard little footsteps, until Hana and Serri were Infront of me with puffy eyes and Reddish faces

"A-aw you gowna weave wike the odews?" Hana asked as I shook my head hugged the both of them.

"No I promise I won't." I said reassuringly and embraced them warmly

I then looked back at my parents and his, still not being able to speak since the kids were there

"I'm not doing this out of pity. I've always wanted a family of my own but never had the chance to start one because of my work.. and the trauma. But I'd be willing to take the risk for you." I said while looking at beomgyu. I saw how his expressions soften after hearing my words.

"-And for them" I continued to hug the girls while kneeling to catch their level and slowly rubbed their backs.

"Ryujin. Are you sure about-"

"Dad I'm old enough to make decisions for myself. Please trust me."dad and Taehyung could only look at me with unconfident looks while a small smile crept on mom's lips.

I know she wants what's best for me. But I also know she's proud that after many years I'm able to stand up for myself and my decisions. Again.

"Thank you" Aunt Seulgi approached me and tightly hugged me repeating the words 'Thank you' while still crying.

"Can we talk about the wedding plans now?" uncle Jaebeom asked with delay

"Well.. It's up to my daughter. She's old enough to make decisions" he said and looked at me with a grin.

"Let's plan it now and get everything ready for the date." I said while they nodded with a simper.

I hope I won't regret this choice I'm making.

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