911 Pt.2

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Ryujin's Pov

Walking through these crowded halls and spaces with a scent of different alcohol feels refreshing. Their margarita tastes strong yet flavorful too by the way.

I've been searching for about ten minutes now, yet he isn't anywhere to be found.

It must feel so nice to be free huh?

Well enjoy it while it lasts honey.

Tonight's going to be awfully bloody.


Ryujin's Pov

I-i don't have the courage to fight him.

But I know It's either having to accept all the pain or having to plan something to escape.

B-but I c-can't. He placed a tracker in my left arm. Inside it.

The tracker lies with my flesh. And the only way to take it out is by.. cutting it open. And I couldn't even think of doing it.

He's a smart man.

I've tried different escapes, different plans but nothing worked out. And to be honest I'm aware I can't do anything to escape.


There is one thing I haven't tried...


Ryujin's Pov

"I found him" I whispered unto my Bluetooth earphone

'Good job babe' he replied

"I just need to wait for him to come inside the comfort room and-"

"And you'll execute the plan. I know babe. Put all your anger in doing so. Remember, because of that man you almost died ok? I wouldn't have met you." he finished my words and ended with a sigh.

"oh please stop. I know you're cheating on me with Somi, Lia, and Karina. Don't act loyal a**hole." I blurted quietly while he chuckled

"Come on babe. You know.. I'm a guy. I also have needs."

"you didn't even try to hide it?" I asked. I'm already immune to him and his games so it's not really a shocker for me.

"Why would I? You already know it. It's a waste of-"  before he could speak more I ended the call

Not because I'm bitter but because my object's moving, moving towards the trap.

'It's time'


Ryujin's Pov

I-i C-can't believe i-it.

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