Book Worthy?

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"Hurry up!" She shouted, I took one last glance at the mirror plugged off the electricity and took my bag to head off.

"Why are you too anxious about it? It's not like this is the last time they'd open." I spoke as she locked the doors , "It's not about running late, it's about how long the line will be if ever we came any later." She replied. Well, she's not wrong, since it's still summer a lot of people do go to the bank.

"After the bank where are we headed off to?" I asked and cocked a brow, "Well, we also have to pay a visit to Aunt mercy" she said while turning the car's engine on. oh please, Her name might sound deceivingly nice but it's the total opposite once people get to know her, She loves to pick on everyone, she also loves to brag, and likes to take credit, for goodness sakes, the last time we went there was when mom was still alive and our 'father' can still even be called a father.

"Do we really need to, chae?" I asked with disappointment on my tone, she sighs "We've talked about this jin, we're not coming to make amends nor be close with them. We need to at least show them we're ok and that everything's fine, like there isn't and there won't be any problem on our side. We don't want to fool them neither be fake, but at least we won't show up as 'brats', it depends to them whether their perception of us is 'ok' or 'to hell with those sisters" she finishes as we burst out laughter, it's nice to be older and not be strangled in the lies adults tell, it makes children look like a fool with them only believing made up stories, I'm thankful Chaeyoung opened this family matter to me in such a young age, as long as I could remember. I was too much of an idiot believing old people in our family.

They were so chaotic that my mother decided to buy a house miles away from them, yet we needed to rent a house nearby theirs since no one could take care of me as a child before, but good thing we only lived near them for five years and after that rented out an apartment much farther.

A lot of thoughts came into my head, that I didn't even realize we're already waiting for our turn to be called. Since my number is said to be a little higher I have to wait for a little while and since I haven't finished November 9 by Colleen Hoover, I plugged my earphones on and resumed where I left last time, and yes, it's an audio book I downloaded on YouTube.

I can't believe they still went with their plan to only see each other on the same date every year, that's a long wait.

Oh to have a Ben in your life that will constantly make you feel worthy of more than you get and shower you with compliments, it hurts to be in Fallon's situation because of what she continues to feel about her insecurities but with Ben her life, felt a little better, a little better is actually an understatement, when Ben entered her life it was a whole lot better.

(I haven't finished the book and looking from what part I'm already in, everything's still in shape and only some events have happened but Ben's still a wonderful guy towards Fallon.)

"Number 467" the bank teller spoke as I stood up and went through the transaction.



"You ready?" Chaeyoung asked as she prepared to ring the doorbell, I sigh exaggeratedly "do I have a choice?" She smiled and smacked the side of my head, that hurts...

"Stop over reacting" she said giggling as she rang the doorbell, a few minutes passed the door swang open and a lady appeared with such anticipation tampered on her face, "Ryujin, Chaeyoung, you came" she said as she huddled us in a hug "I've missed you guys, it's been months since the last time we've seen each other." She said with a smile. This is one of the most fakest atmospheres I've felt, not to mention the other ones are also from her.

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