My Spoiled brat

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Where in Shin Ryujin is the daughter of one of the most richest CEO's that needed attention because of her behavior and Choi Beomgyu is looking for a job

Where in Shin Ryujin is the daughter of one of the most richest CEO's that needed attention because of her behavior and Choi Beomgyu is looking for a job

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Art by me❤️

Ryujin's Pov

"I told you I don't need a body guard!"
I screamed and stood up from my chair

"do not raise your voice at me young lady!" The middle aged man shouted back

"with this attitude of yours don't you think you need one? we didn't raise you to be a party girl who talks back to their parents" The woman beside Mr. Shin said

"yes didn't...

cause you never raised me" I said one last time and ran back to my room

I slumped to my bed and stared at the ceiling

how do I get out of this hell hole?


Beomgyu's Pov

"Hey hey my guy" said the man named hyunjin

"let me do it, don't overwork yourself to much"he said offering help

"No, it's ok, besides I am really thankful for you hiring me even though I am still a student" I said with a smile

"How can I not? you're even more fast and responsible than other older people" he said then looked at me seriously

"And I know you need" handing me a white envelope

"No boss, sorry I can't accept that, it's too much"I said declining


"Boss sorry but it's not fair to the other workers who works the same as me" I said

"well...ok you perhaps need a job that pays 10,000 dollars a month?"

I looked at him shocked

"Boss I don't do anything illegal-"

"you jerk, I don't do illegal" he said laughing

"then what is it boss?" I asked curiously

"Well as much as I want you here because you do well with your work I need to help you out first but since you don't accept it for free I'll give you a job...well not me but my uncle"

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