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Where in She wanted to get revenge.

TW: Violence, Murder, and Suicide

Ryujin's Pov

Standing beside a pole isn't something I've expected in executing this.

But that isn't the point. All I have to do is remember the plan and perform it well. Not too much of a big deal because I have nothing to lose.

I've waited for this moment to come, exactly four years, five months, twelve days, thirty six hours, sixteen minutes, and forty eight seconds.

I turn to look at my watch and ..     'bingo'


Ryujin's Pov

"Go and order now I'm hungry." Said the man cleaning off the blood on his knuckles

"Y-yes dad" I replied shivering while walking towards the telephone

I can't live in here anymore.

I can possibly die anytime without a single trace.

I thought for some seconds until I gained the courage to dial the number

"911 What's your emergency?" A man answered

"I-I'd like to order  a-a large pepperoni pizza please" I said carefully while observing my dad watching tv

"Ma'am you dialed the wrong-"

"No umm.. the address is-"

"Listen here ma'am. If you're trying to do a prank call do it to somebody else's number because we prioritize the safety and health of people ok? I've had a lot of problems lately so please. Drop the act and stop pestering us."

"N-no I'm not P-please hear me out-" I whispered then a beeping sound tingled in my ear.

"What's taking you so long?!" Dad snapped

"Th-they said they w-were c-closing-" I didn't get to finish as he snatched the telephone away from my palm

He dialed a number while holding unto my wrist tightly while I begged him to let go

He managed to order food and as soon as he placed the phone down he slashed my neck with the knife he saw at the table beside him

"D-dad" I cried, slowly falling down and holding my neck that was releasing blood and aching.

And the next thing I knew I blacked out.


Ryujin's Pov

Since I can't go here wearing a hoodie and pants I decided to wear a red dress that was well fitted on me.

I'm now changing my clothes to a green turtle neck with a black blazer on top and blazer pants in a bathroom cubicle. I tied my hair and hid it in my black beret hat.

I placed all my things inside the cubicle I'm currently in. I made sure the door was locked and peaked under the separating wall to the other cubicle, checking if there's anyone inside, luckily no one was so I crawled under the separating wall and locked the door.

I now wore my formal shoes and slid my heels to the cubicle I was in earlier.

'It's showtime.'


Ryujin's Pov

I slowly opened my eyes and a white ceiling greeted me

W-where am I?

"Doc. She's awake" I heard someone shout

I was slowly turning my head towards the voice and saw my dad

All of my body hair stood tall, my eyes bulging out, and my body was shaking

He looked at me with a flat face that sent shivers done my spine and a block on my lungs.

The doctor then came in and checked me while my dad's face softened and his eyes even shed a tear.

I've lived all my life with him and I know. I know that it's a devil's acting tear.

The doctor asked questions which I wanted to answer but then realized that there was a tube in my mouth refraining me to speak.

My dad answered all her questions with pure lies.

"Ryujin dear, life's too great not just for you to try and end it. I know most teens go through mental health problems because of stress and other things you teens aren't supposed to make a problem out off but if you need any help us adults are here for you especially your dad." The woman who I supposed to be the doctor said

"Yes honey. You know dad's here right?" Dad asked shedding tears.

He made it look like another suicide attempt, did he?

There's no way out anymore.

tbc.. (or not?)

Btw I forgot to put it here so.. this one shot is inspired by 9-1-1 on youtube❤️

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