Talk with your Celebrity

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Where Shin Ryujin and Choi Beomgyu are rising actors and both invited in one show.

Just in⭐:

The very famous variety show called "Talk with your celebrity" announced two unnamed celebrities that are visiting the show on the weekend, a lot of different fandoms are now going crazy asking and commenting on their celebrity picks, the show didn't yet reveal the celebrities and wanted to surprise the fans,
now a lot of people are getting too excited and looking for clues from their celebrities, from captions to pictures to going out on the mall with other celebrities. What about you? have you checked your celebrity picks social media account for clues?

who would you like it to be?
who are your guesses?
who do you think it would be?


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Ughh why can't you just tell us right away🙄, I have exams and I can't add this anymore. to much overthinking will make my brain explode😒

Choi beomgyu🤔you've been inactive these days, preparing maybe?

yeji tell me it's you and yeonjun🤞

Shin Ryujin tell me it's you!! ackk who else is coming with you??😳

Babe @liaberry is this you?🥺🤧

@ka**** lover
hope it's  @k❤️

@lee ch****
🥺 we hope to see our cherry!

all this likes for this? wow😑

see more...


🌐Talk with your celebrity:

See you guys this Saturday😉🧸🌼


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Interviewer: Good evening ladies and gentle men welcome to Talk with your celebrity!


Interviewer: Are you guys ready for this shows episode? I hope so because our two guests are ready a week ago

Interviewer: A quick and funny story, when we actually emailed them they asked if we were a scam

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