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Third Person's Pov

"Hello? Beomgyu?" 

1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds... pressing the red button, Ending the call.

The person clenching both hands into a fist, tears slowly start to build covering those beautiful eyes. Kneeling with a feeling of tiredness and burnt out. Trying to find support it's hand finds something soft, it's hands are shaking, it's head was in a chaotic mess not knowing how to feel nor how to react.

"Why do you have my phone?" The man who just got out of the shower asked, drying his hair looking at the woman kneeling beside the bed, his looks were indescribable, he stopped rubbing the towel on his hair, walking towards the woman who was still down on her knees, looking down at her knee. She didn't dare to look at the figure in front of her approaching with unsteady steps.

"Why do you have my phone, Ryujin?" It's tone was shaking with a hint of anger. He kneeled down trying to level himself to her, his hands tried to cup both her cheeks. She didn't move, She let him wipe away her tears that kept coming, not knowing when or how to stop.

"You got another girl pregnant, Gyu?" The question escaped her quivering lips, eyes were still down. His heart warmed with guilt, she still hoped what she heard was false calling him by his nickname asking for an answer but he was silent.

"I-I was drunk" He then answered, while the girl cried more tears. She moved her face out of his palm, and stared at him, ignoring her tears dripping from her face.

"That's a sh#tty excuse, Beomgyu" She said staring at him with a hurt face.

"I know, Everything was so f#cked up that night, we fought, business wasn't too well- and I-I thought we wouldn't be able to-"

"To conceive?"  She asked calmly, visible pain was seen on her expression as he sighed covering his face with both hands.

"We waited for five years, Ryu.. I thought it wouldn't happen..." his voice kept lowering it's tone, his eyes were now also filled with liquid.

"So cheating was your answer?" The woman asked.

"I was also under the influence Ryu..." He murmured while crying

"Then why didn't you just leave me? Why did I have to find out through the worst possible way?" She slowly prepared to stand, asking with her calm voice, he always heard only love and comfort before. But it was too late. He wouldn't be able to hear that again.

She then slowly stood up and walked her way through their shared cabinet, pulling out a suitcase packing neatly folded clothes. It was also hard for him, seeing his wife pack all her things preparing to leave for good but what could he do?

"How many months is she?" She asked fixing at herself in the mirror, wiping all the tears. 

"Eight months.." He said

She thought of a question she knew would hurt her even more, but she felt like she doesn't have anything to loose at that moment. Because she gave him everything she had but he left her with nothing.

"Do you love her?" As soon as she asked she immediately regretted it. His audible cries earlier stopped his fingers played with each other as his face became more guilty than it ever was. The only sound they both heard were air coming from each other and coming from their ac.

She couldn't help but breakdown she looked like a mess as he stared at her not moving from his position.

"Then why did you keep me?" Her voice was shaking. He didn't answer again seeing her in such a state made him so fragile, acting like a child who doesn't know what the world is and how cruel it can be.

"Why did you stay with me?" she was crying non stop her hands on her face standing in front of a mirror looking like a damsel in distress.

"I love you-"

"You can't love two people at the same time, Beomgyu. You have one you love more, a love you couldn't leave, a love you couldn't deny, a love you'd do anything for even if it was forbidden...."

"And it's not me."

"No. n-no- I love you and-" he denied

"You Loved the idea of loving me. But you don't love me." She cried out in a weak tone.

"Stop denying it to yourself Beomgyu. You're only making it even harder for me." She took all her luggage walking to get out of that room they always shared.

"You were used to being with me, you were used to loving me, but you don't love me anymore, you love her but you can't admit it to yourself because you'd look like an as#hole." she continued

"Let's meet again in the court, but for the meantime I'll send my lawyer to deliver the... divorce papers." She said  though she felt an ache in her heart.

"Never contact me again. Never see me again. Live a great life with Minju, You two truly deserve each other." she said closing the door leaving him all alone trying to process everything that happened. Everything she said.

Sorry for being inactive, I had a lot of things going on. Discovering new hobbies, learning new topics, and mostly school work. 

Hope you like it! Missed ya'll<333

(I'm sorry if it's rushed I'm preparing for a school presentation)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2022 ⏰

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