Marriage and Secrets Pt.2

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"Hana? Serri?"

"Dad!" the next thing I knew, the kids were out of my lap running towards him.

"What do you mean? why are they calling him dad?" mom asked.

Seeing the look on mom's face I think she already has a clue but is still reassuring

"Lets talk about this please. Let us explain first" Aunt Seulgi persuaded

"We're listening" Mom replied and leaned on her chair.

"Can we at least not involve the kids in the conversation?" Beomgyu asked sounding a little annoyed.

this guy has some nerves

"Sure we can. But don't sound as if it's us who did something wrong here." I uttered and looked at him while he only asked the maids to take the kids to their room.

"Can you talk now?" Taehyung spoke

"Well.. I don't even know where to start.." she said with a sigh

"the reason we want to marry beomgyu out is for the sake of his image. Beomgyu got some girl pregnant, her past girlfriend, who cheated and fooled him many times. To the point where he would sometimes come home with bruises and blood on his face. Of course we didn't have any choice it's still beomgyu's blood running in their veins so.. we took them." Aunt Seulgi then sobbed revealing everything what his son had went through.

Since aunt Seulgi couldn't continue Uncle jaebeom decided to pick up where aunt Seulgi left.

"We didn't want our name to be tainted with filthy words especially beomgyu. He is our only son and we would do anything for him to have a wonderful life. That woman ruined my son's life, I won't only take it out on her, I know beomgyu participated in this sin they started. But now only my son is suffering. With that woman still with her friends partying and going from one guy to another." he then looked at beomgyu with pure pity as to what he said and resumed

"We have gone through so many planning of marriage but it only ends up with them disagreeing or them wanting to put the kids up for adoption, Which is hard for us since the we raised the kids and they are our grandchildren. My family especially my son has went through so many insults, and I couldn't bare it anymore." his eyes then became glossy

"We never even once in our life had insulted our son even if he does something against our will, So it's very hard for us to see other people doing it to him." tears streamed down his face while beomgyu only looked down looking ashamed of what he did.

"If you disagree it's.. ok but please don't insult him. You can curse me and make nasty comments about me a million times just please don't do it to my family." his emotions couldn't handle it anymore so he was now crying while the rest of us were silent.

It must be hard for them to have to go through that. I couldn't imagine other people insulting my family just because of a mistake one did. Especially because their his parents.

The people who took care of him and raised him. They must feel like they failed.. and that's a painful thing a parent would think of, That they failed as parents in giving their son a life any parent would want for their child.

Looking at my parents's face I can see them pitying his family but I know their answer. Like normal parents they would want the best for me and they are aware..

it's best to leave.

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