Loving you unexpectedly

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All Choi Beomgyu wanted is just for Shin Ryujin to love him

Beomgyu's Pov

In my whole entire life all I wanted was for Shin Ryujin to love me back

Is it that hard?

Is it that hard to fall in love with me?

It all started in 12th grade

The time I realized I had fell in love with my best friend

When she told me a guy was courting her

I said no and tried to make the guy stop for some reason

I did everything to bug them

I always tagged along wherever they go

I always keep an eye on them

Always watch what they were doing

I don't let them get too close with each other

I don't let them flirt with each other...

That's when the guy became tired and stoped courting her

I was happy, relieved, even excited.

without knowing she had fallen in love with the guy

It surprised me and somehow made me...sad?


I tried to deny it

but I cant

Seeing her cry over a guy because of love hurts me

And the guy stoped courting her because of me

Love can make you do crazy things huh?

She decided to ignore me

and the most painful part is

I didn't even stop her

I let her fell in love with other guys

Let her have new friends

Let her be free

Let her be happy

for once, I never seen her this happy

While me?

Sitting in the corner and letting myself fall in love with her even more,

But what can I do?

I am just her best friend


I am not even her best friend anymore

She found her happiness

Without me.

If I didn't interfere with her privacy...
would we still be friends?

or even more than that?

I guess the world really hates me,

She ended up being my partner in our dance class

After 3months without conversation

Stop being awkward Choi Beomgyu

"So... where do you want to practice?"
She asked breaking the awkward silence

"I-I think w-we can use the P.e. room"
I said stuttering.

Please stop embarrassing yourself

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