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Where in Shin Ryujin a veterinarian was on her regular duty at work and Choi beomgyu's Pet parrot Toto got a cold and needed medicine.

Medicine for bird's cold- Doxycycline + Tiamulin + Vitamin A + Vitamin B 12 + Probiotics.

(Can only be fed to birds with a veterinarian's consent because can cause negative side effects that can lead to bird's death.)

Beomgyu's Pov

"yeah, see you guy's tomorrow" I said as I walked to a bus stop

I was scrolling through my phone when a message from my mom popped up

I was scrolling through my phone when a message from my mom popped up

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'your pet toto is sick...'


"Stop the car"

"sir we're on a bus-"

"I said stop the car! my b-baby he's s-sick"

the bus driver stopped the bus immediately and I got down and started to run towards the direction of my house

s**t I forgot I just got on that bus

guess thirty minutes of running won't harm me


Beomgyu's Pov

"TOTO DADDY'S HOME!" I shouted with my breath hitching cause of running

"oh my dear, what happened to you honey?" my mom asked worriedly

"It's nothing mom, where's my child" I shouted

my mom looked at like some idiot and slapped the back of my head hard

"don't over react AND WILL YOU PLEASE STOP SHOUTING YOUNG MAN." my mom said

"sorry mom where is he?" I asked and mom pointed to our living room


Beomgyu's Pov

"he hasn't been eating bird food and his eyes looked sleepy" mom said as I looked at toto in his cage, weak

"I think you should bring him at the new animal clinic near here" mom added

"I'll go now I can't risk loosing my child- Ouch! Mommmm" I whined

"stop over reacting and just bring him there"

"yes mom"


Beomgyu's Pov

"Sir toto with Beomgyu?" the guy said
and I waved my hand and stood up walking towards him

he looked at the cage with a pitiful look
"aww beomgyu's so cute what seems to be the problem with beomgyu Mr. toto?" he asked

do I look like f****ng bird?

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