"I like your cousin" "I like your best friend"

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Where Choi Beomgyu is in love with Ryujin's cousin Hwang Yeji and Ryujin is in love with Beomgyu's best friend Choi Yeonjun.

Ryujin's Pov

"STUPID CHOI BEOMGYU!" I yelled when I finally found him talking to his friends

"oh shoot" beomgyu hissed and started running away from me,

While me?

I started chasing

"talk to you guys later-" before he could run more farther I caught his uniform and pulled him towards our classroom

"do you see this!?" I asked him pointing at my chair with glue

"good thing that my jacket was wrapped around my waist so I didn't get in contact with the glue-"

"this is your fault, I asked if you could help me with your cousin,"

"but oh boy you even made her think of me as a weirdo!" he shouted

"If helping you date my cousin means to see you everyday then na uh"


...hmm on second thought, you like yeonjun hyung right?"

"W-what are you saying? that's n-nonsense" I said denying

"If you help me with Yeji noona then I'll help you with yeonjun hyung"he said with a mischievious smile

"I don't like yeonjun oppa so stop-"

"then is it ok if I show him your little diary-"

"w-where did you get that?" I said not letting him finish his sentence

"so is it ok-"

"fine!"I shouted

"just give that back" I said as I started to try and get it from his grip

"nope I can't be so sure if you're going to do the deal" he replied

"let's start tomorrow, see yah bestie, oh btw say hi to my future for me and I'll do the same to your's"

This is gonna be tough


Ryujin's Pov

"Yeji unnie!" I shouted as I slumped back at the couch

"oh hey Ryu, is there some thing you need?"

"What's your ideal type?"

"hmm? why so sudden-"

"tell me who?" I asked getting impatient

"well...someone smart"

pfttt he doesn't even know the answer to the power house of the cell

"someone kind"

he likes pranks, remember my jacket? I threw it because of that idiot

"A gentleman"

can't even open the door for a teacher

"someone mature"

can't even be serious for a moment

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