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Where in beomgyu was anxious in getting permission from ryujin's parents for their daughter's hand in marriage

Ryujin's Pov

I slowly transfered the the batter in the baking pan

this should be enough.

I then turned to the oven, set it to the preferred time and heat then placed the baking pan in

I walked towards one of the chairs in the kitchen and sat down, as I scroll through my phone suddenly a pair of warm hands embraced my waist

"hmm?" I turned around and a kiss was stollen

"Why? are you ok?" I asked as I looked at him

"nothing, I just miss you" beomgyu said and I chuckled

"we were just eating lunch thirty minutes ago" I said and he pouted

"But I miss you"

"Don't sulk beom. Tell me what's really bothering you?" I asked as I raise a brow at him

his arms around my waist with me sitting down and him standing Infront of me

"The thing is....Would your parents agree? they haven't met me and.. well... I'm already going to ask for their permission to marry you at the first meeting"

I sighed and cupped his face gently running my thumb over his cheeks

"you don't have to worry beom, the wedding's three months from now, you still have time to bond with them and likewise for me and your parents"

"Look I know you have a lot of doubts but please trust me on this one ok? besides everything about you is lovable" I continued

He doesn't look amused and didn't believe what I say

I chuckled and slowly leaned my face towards him

and our lips met

At first no one moved but as seconds passed by he moved his slowly and gently

d*mn his kisses, his hugs, his words and his presence already gives me comfort and love

I really can't wait to marry this man

my safe haven

and my home

he then stopped to get some air as I did the same thing

while looking at each other he suddenly said

"I can't wait for the next big step of our relationship, Ryu" he said full of love and warmness

"me too, gyu." I replied and kissed him again

home, what is home?
home is where you find the comfort, the safety and the care

home is not just a place where people live, it can also be a person, a thing, and many more, it doesn't always have to be a feeling of love passion, and lust, but an open, a truthful and a cherishable one.

hiiii❤️ I hope you check out Lizzie's story, you can check it here noodleskii it's her first but it felt like I was reading a level 100😭❤️  Ily💕 good night and good luck for tomorrow everyone!!!!

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hiiii❤️ I hope you check out Lizzie's story, you can check it here noodleskii it's her first but it felt like I was reading a level 100😭❤️  Ily💕 good night and good luck for tomorrow everyone!!!!

and btw

and btw

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