"Would you mind if I Serenade you?"

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Where in beomgyu's girlfriend broke up with him and Ryujin got fired from her job

short oneshot!

Beomgyu's Pov

"let's break up" she said as I stared at her laughing thinking it's a joke

"you're getting more funnier huh? I won't fall for that"

"I am not joking beomgyu" she said and looked at me seriously

my smile started to slowly go down and looked at her eyes

she is serious

"C-can I ask why?" I asked bitting my lip to stop myself from crying

"I am not happy anymore beomgyu-ah" she said and sighed

"Is it because I chose to be a musician?"

"I-its not about that beomgyu, I just don't..."

"don't what?"

"I fell out of love beomgyu-ah, and I know how good of a guy you are so I don't want to make you suffer with me" she said as she started to get emotional

the cold wind blew

as the night lights on the park sparked

what a nice atmosphere to feel loved

unfortunately it was the opposite for me

"Heejin you're my only happiness and strength right now, why?" I asked as the tears started to run down my cheeks

"I am sorry" she said as she stood up from the bench and walked away

while I sobbed and just looked at her disappearing sight

If letting you go makes you happier then I won't stop you heejin-ah


Ryujin's Pov

"you're fired! and I don't want to see your face again!"

I bowed down one last time and left the office

tears now slowly appearing

I guess what they said was true

I really couldn't make it alone

I couldn't even find a permanent job since I keep on making simple mistakes that result to hearing the words 'you're fired'

what good can you do ryujin?

what can you prove to them?


Third Peron's Pov

The wind blew as the trees sway

The moon peeked with a tint of gray

The park lights flickered

The stars start to twinkle

People came with their families, friends, and even lovers

while two people lost, with heavy hearts

"Hi can I sit here?" the girl asked the boy who's looking at a far

"sure" the guy replied without looking

both of them looked troubled trying figure out a way to solve each of their longings and problems

when the boy suddenly took out his guitar and looked at the girl beside him

"Would you mind if I Serenade you?" beomgyu asked

the girl looked at him with a questioning face

"you look troubled" beomgyu said

the girl laughed which now made beomgyu confused

"are you sure you want to sir? you look like you have a problem yourself" ryujin said

"Well, singing makes me at ease, I hope it would for you too" beomgyu said and scratched the back of his neck

"Sir I already have a lot of problems, I hope your voice won't add to it and really make me miserable" ryujin said as they both laughed

beomgyu then started to strum his guitar

(Imagine it's beomgyu)

Beomgyu finished the song as ryujin clapped for him

"I'd give it a 12.5/10" ryujin said and beomgyu chuckled

"Thank you...?"



they both smiled at each other feeling more comfortable

"Did it lessen the burdens in your heart?" beomgyu asked while ryujin nodded

both looking at the beautiful moon enjoying the atmosphere

"I even forgot I had problems" she said as they both smiled

two people found comfort in each other

as the sky grew darker, two people got to know each other

and it was the best feeling they ever felt

Right Timing
Right Place
Right Love?

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