Chapter 9

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"So where are we going" I asked Caden as we pulled off of my street.

"If I told you it wouldn't be much of a surprise now would it." He said chuckling gently. "Oh come on don't tell me you hate surprises" he said pouting.

"It's not that I don't like's just that they are really annoying." I huffed out and ran a hand through my knotted hair.

"We'll darn I guess you are going to be really annoyed." Caden said as he turned onto the highway "because I am not going to tell you" he finished.

"Please Caden" I begged "please at least give me a hint." I said perking up. He couldn't know how good I was at guessing, could he?

"Nope, not happening I have heard Everett's stories about your amazing talent to guess" he said trying to lighten the mood, but unfortunately for him Everett wasn't in my good books.

"Yeah I forgot" I said glumly.

"Hey, what's wrong" Caden asked.

"Nothing" I replied simply.

"Ella you can tell me you know." He said sincerely.

"Fine, okay well toady I told Everett about my crush on you and two other boys" I said blushing and thinking might as well be honest "and Everett freaked out on me so I got upset and went to sort out my thoughts and finally when I was ready to talk he told Daniel."

"Okay but what's so wrong about that?" He questioned.

"Only the fact that he twin shook that he wouldn't tell anyone" I said I blinked back the tears that decided to make an appearance.

"Oh my gosh, Everett broke a twin shake." He said sounding upset and almost disappointed "how could he, he never has before not even his best friend knows what goes on between you two" he said solemnly.

"Exactly, and know the one person I trusted every secret to has broken his promise. I no longer have the funny idiotic Daniel that made us all laugh or the caring understanding Everett that would never tell a sole what I told him" I started to cry and I didn't realize we parked until I felt Caden's arms wrap around me as he whispered sweet nothings in my ear.

After my tears dried up Caden walked around his car and opened my door. He took my hand and I realized we were by the forest. "Where are we going?" I asked again as he lead me down a path in the forest.

"Nope you'll have to wait and find out." He said. We continued with small talk for a few minutes before Caden said "okay we are almost there so close your eyes"

I closed my eyes and I felt him put a blindfold on me before grabbing my hand and guiding me for a few more minutes. When Caden stopped he moved behind me and started untying the blindfold. "Okay now open your eyes" he said and I gasped at the sight.

Set up in a clearing with a waterfall leading into a small, clear, blue lake there was a picnic and there were white roses in a vase. "Soo.." Caden said nervously "do you like it?"

"Caden" I said turning around and hugging him "I don't like it I love it."


Caden and I finally decided to eat after we layed in the sun together playing 21 questions. And I know it's 20 questions but I am unique.

"So what's on the menu this afternoon" I asked Caden as he emptied the basket's contents onto the blanket.

"Today we are having, my famous lasagna with caesar salad and for dessert brownies" he said as he opened the salad and lasagna lids and handed me a fork.

I moaned as the lasagna touched my taste buds making them explode with happiness. "Caden" I say sighing in content "this is soo good" and I take another bite.

"Thanks Ella, only the best for you." He said before going serious, "so back in the car you said you like three guys so who am I competing against?" He questioned as if he was looking forward to the challenge.

I sigh and tell him the truth "Jacob and Kaleb."

"Well I hope I can persuade you" he said as if it was an everyday thing for a girl to like three guys.

We continued with small talk and I learned that Caden actually loves reading! What? Right now I am sitting in his lap, his arms wrapped around my waist as we watch the sun set.

"Caden" I say "this is beautiful, thank you." As I set my head on his chest.

"For you Ella I would do anything." He said lovingly. "So I guess I should get you back before your brothers kill me huh?" He asked.

"Ugh," I complain "I am in no mood to deal with Daniel and the other thing" I said still upset about earlier.

"Yeah well Daniel will kill me if you are not home before dark" he said in a sad voice. "But maybe we can hangout again, I had a lot of fun"

"Yeah totally, so far any day but tomorrow works because tomorrow I am going out with Kaleb" I state.

"I look forward to winning over your heart and I hope to meet my competion soon." He said thoughtfully.

"If you want you can all come over the day after tomorrow" I ask.

"Totally I can't wait" he said and I noticed we reached his car. When we got in I laid my head against the glass and drifted into a peaceful sleep.


"Ella" I heard Caden's soothing voice pull me from my dreams. "Come on baby you are home"

"Mmhm," I mumble as I open my eyes "thanks again for tonight Caden I had so much fun" and with that I got out of the car and made my way into the house. I close my front door and a huge smile creeps onto my face.

"Ella, why are you smiling like a crazy person?" I heard Daniel carefully question as he came to stand in front of me.

"Because I just had the best date ever with Caden" I sigh.

"Ella isn't it your only date?" Daniel stated the obvious.

"Well, yeah but it was relaxed and fun" I said in my defence.

"Well go get some rest Ella because according to Kaleb you two have a date tomorrow." He said smirking "and I guess I'll have to scare Caden and Jacob too until they have my approval"

"Thank you Daniel" I said "for everything" and I yawned. I headed towards the stairs and before I disappeared I slightly caught Daniels whispering "for you Ella I would do anything".

As my head hit the pillow I dreamt of Caden's date and Daniels words.


Hello readers. So Everett is an a*s and Caden and Kaleb have sweet sides. I can't wait until we figure out who she chooses! Eek!!!! How do you think Kalebs date will go? Has Daniel gone soft and Everett gone hard? Ohh switch!

Okay, so I wasn't going to update but I feel like I needed to and I already finished the next chapter so I said why not. I hope you like the early update because I was technically supposed to be doing homework right now, but oh well. I am so thankful for the votes, comments and reads I really want to thank da_three_enchiladas and accio-dreamscaper (please check out  accio-dreamscaper her books are amazing) for voting and commenting.

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