Chapter 21

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Day 3 (Wednesday)

When we got home the boys carried us in and put us in the makeshift camp in the living room.

"Girls won't know what hit them." Everett said "and best part they don't blame us" with that they all laughed and headed upstairs. When the noise settled down we shot up ready to prank.

"Ready for payback?" I asked innocently with an evil smirk plastered on my face. "Alright let's scrap the plans we had I want to get personal" I said.

"Okay, I love how you think" Trinity said.

"What's the plan?" Heather asked intrigued.

"Okay so Everett loves his red sports car so I think," I paused and grabbed bright coloured sticky notes "that we give him a great paint job"

"Damn your evil" Heather said "and I like it".

"Okay how about Daniel" Trinity asked.

"For Daniel I was thinking we make it look like someone spilled something all over his new laptop" I said triumphantly.

"OMG his new laptop he hasn't stopped talking about it" Heather gasped.

"What can we say paybacks a b*tch" Trinity butted in.

"Yeah now for the classic kool-aid laid in the shower I was thinking Caden because he is the only blonde, so let's dye his hair, and last but not least we can tape Kalebs phone and hair gel to the ceiling."

"Damn girl hit him where it hurts" Trinity said in a fake L.A. accent.

"Wow you are really good at that" Heather complimented.

"I know girl" she continued before we all burst out laughing.

We then separated and I went to do the prank on Kaleb and Caden, Heather got Daniel and Trinity got Everett.

I headed into Caden's bathroom and dumped watermelon Kool-aid in his shower head. Then I went into Kalebs room and grabbed the chair from the desk and taped his phone and hair gel to the ceiling in the corner of the room.

Trinity's P.O.V.

I sneak into Everett's room and awe at how adorable he sleeps. His hair was stuck in all directions and his mouth slightly parted. I laughed under my breath as I grabbed his keys off the dresser.

I run out and grab the stick notes getting ready to 'paint' his car.

Heathers P.O.V.

I snuck in Daniels room giddy about pulling another prank. I can't believe I am doing this, this is amazing. I set the thin piece of glass and set it on the keyboard as threw glue on it making it look like some on spilled something. I took a picture before leaving the room.

I took a picture of every other prank and joined the girls downstairs " everybody done?" I asked quietly.

"Yep get ready boys" Trinity said evilly as Ella and I burst out laughing.


We sat on the couch finishing of the movie 'pretty woman' when we heard a scream. We exchange a look before Ella shook her head "someone's up".

We heard another scream and the shower turning on. The shower turned off and another scream echoed. Finally we heard the last scream and the boys running down the stairs.

When they entered the room Daniel was glaring at Everett while Everett, Caden and Kaleb glared at us.

"What did you do" Kaleb asked frantically trying to hide his clearly disheveled hair.

"It can't be that bad have you seen my car it looks like a unicorn threw up on it" Everett whined.

"Well at least your new laptop wasn't broken" Daniel seethed.

"Oh yeah" Caden said "my hair is PINK".

The girls and I giggled at their expressions and I winked at the girls before saying "well payback is a b*tch" I paused as we walked past them! it turned around and added "oh yeah and tiring us out didn't work".

We all laughed as their faces fell and we ran up the stairs celebrating.


Hello lovely readers. Another prank filled day. Tomorrow they are going to be food pranks again so don't kill me but they will be different so don't freak. Wow so far I have done three prank chapters woohoo. I love all of the voters commenters and even viewers. I will update tomorrow. Hope you like it.

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