Chapter 17

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(Ballroom to top or side)

I woke up to someone lifting me up. "Mmmm" I mumble.

"Shhh Ella" Daniel said as he laid me on what felt like my bed and threw my covers overtop. "Night" he said quietly before I heard the click of the door closing.

I repositioned myself and drifted of into the world of dreams.

Ella's dream

I looked around me and saw a large white ball room with gold and black streamers twirled around large posts. I was the only one here until two figures enter a male and female.

I look at the woman who has their brown hair down in waves wearing a peach coloured ball gown. The man was wearing a tux with a peach tie. They looked about 40 and anyone could tell they were in love.

"Ella" the female said. I felt like I heard her voice before and look up to se that the couple was my parents standing before me.

"Mom, dad" I say hugging them. It felt so real and so right. I didn't realize I was crying until I saw tears hit my moms dress.

"Princess" my dad said using my childhood nickname from him. I look up at him.

"Yeah dad" I asked.

"I hear you are caught in a love triangle" he joked before turning to my mother "told you she would be the heartbreaker." He said.

"Yes you were right again" my mother laughed before getting serious. "Now Ella I need you to listen. You may have gotten Jacob in jail but they will send someone else. You need to realize that these people want what they want and they won't leave you alone until they have it." She finished with a sad tone.

"What do they want and who are they." I ask trying to figure out what I was up against.

"They are my cousins their son is not married and they are going through financial trouble. When we went to Italy they said if we isn't marry you to Jack then there would be consequences. They want you to marry their son and gain half our fortune." My father said

"Bu-" I started.

"No Ella. We have to go. Remember be carful" my mother said and they both hugged me before streams of light came into my vision.

I sat up and opened my eyes shocked at my dream. As I thought over what they were talking about the more creeped out I became. Isn't insest illegal in Italy?

I look over at my clock to see the time. 5:06!!!!!!!!!!! What who gets up at this ungodly hour I groaned but was too awake to go back to sleep.

I got out of bed and threw on one of Daniels old cross country sweaters and roots pants. I grabbed my phone off the charger and headed out of my room.

I walked downstairs and saw a note on the island. I picked up and read.

Ella and Everett gone to the gym be back by lunch.

I have seen this note a million times before. And set it aside before starting breakfast knowing for some stupid reason Everett was always up at 6:23 I know exact right but whatever.

I set a pan on the stove and started mixing the pancake batter. A couple minutes later I set the batter on the hot pan and sprinkled it with chocolate chips and setting a lid overtop.

I flipped the pancakes as I heard a grumble behind me.

Everett's sleepy voice came into my head as I heard him pour his coffee. "Wow Daniel you made me breakfast" he said.

I frowned at the fact that he thinks I am Daniel but then I remembered the sweater. "Ev it's me," I clear up "couldn't sleep".

"OMG Ella I thought you were Daniel" he said shocked.

"No he's at the gym" I said.

"Oh is he visiting Heather again?" He asked

"Who's Heather?" I questioned upset that I didn't know.

"Oh yeah Heather is his girlfriend." He said and I grabbed my phone and angrily walked to the gym.

Daniel you better watch out.


Hello lovely readers. So what do you think. Ella is mad why didn't Daniel tell her about Heather? Hmmmm. So this another early update hope you all like it. Wish me luck at my concert on Thursday (gotta love high school bands with 88 kids) woohoo!!!!! I will try and update soon! Luv y'all.

Okay at the top or side is the song that I love by Shawn Mendez it is imagination. OMG I love that song it has been stuck in my head for days. Sorry it is not that great of a version but Wattpad won't let me use a better version so go and look it up it is truly a great song.

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