Chapter 8

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"Ella, Ella, Ella" I heard Everett yell pulling me out of my lovely sleep. Suddenly he burst through the door. "OMG I am so sorry but you know I can't lie." He stated nervously.

"What are you tal-" I started but I was stopped when I heard Daniels feet running up the stairs.

His livid figure entered my room holding.....


I stood there shocked as Daniel handed me a dozens white, red, and pink roses that smelled like heaven.

"Why is someone sending you flowers" Daniel said too slowly and calmly that he sounded deadly.

Deciding to test my luck for once I smartly answered "Well when someone likes someone, particularly the guy will work up enough courage to send the girl flowers that she will gush and gossip about for months afterwards." In the corner of my eye I saw Everett trying to hold in his laughter.

"Very funny Ella" Daniel said in a monotone voice. "Now I want to know who sent them and what has happened between you and said person."

"I don't know who they're from" I said honestly, because it could be Caden or Jacob because I highly dought it was Kaleb. I looked down at the tag and was shocked by what was written on the card in swirled gold letters it said....

I hope your brother has calmed down, maybe then we can hangout. How would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow? -Kaleb

I was shocked to say the least I never thought that Kaleb was the flowers and chocolate kind of guy.

"Ella" Daniels voice cut off my thoughts bringing me back into reality, "who are they from"

I sniffed them again before replying "Kaleb" and I sighed dreamily.

"Wait Kaleb as in Kaleb Gathings the schools bad boy" Everett said chocking on his own laughter.

"Yep" I said less dreamy this time and popping the 'p'.

"Well I am going to go have a friendly chat with him" Daniel said before leaving my room. I hear him pick up his gym bag so I knew he was going to confront Kaleb at the gym.

"Are you sure Kaleb sent those he doesn't look like a guy who does flowers" Ev asked generally confused "and besides when did you talk to Kaleb?"

"Well I met him last night at Caden's party, and trust me I did not expect this either but I think it is exceptionally sweet." I say as I set the flowers in a vase that always sat on my dresser.

"Wait I thought you liked Caden?" Ev questioned looking even more confused.

"Okay Ev if I tell you this you promise not to tell another soul?" I asked hoping he agreed.

"Yes" he answered.

"Twin shake" I said placing my hand in front of me knowing Everett can't break a twin shake.

"Fine, twin shake" he said shaking my hand "now start talking"

"Ok, so yes I do like Cade-" I was cut off by Ev.

"But then what is it with Kaleb" he raised his eyebrow.

"I will tell you now shut up" I said as he magically zipped his lips and threw away the key "okay so I was saying I do like Caden, but after last night I also have feelings for Kaleb and Jacob. Ev I need your help I don't know who to choose"

"Wait so you like all three" he restated my speech and I nodded "then you should choose......" He dragged out the silence before deciding "none of the above." And he nodded his head at his proposition as if to agree with himself.

"Everett you are not helping" I whine.

"Yes I am Ella you are 15 you are waaay too young to have a boyfriend" he said seriously.

"Oh yeah," I challenged "how old were you when you had your first girlfriend?"

"13 and that is besides the point this is you we are talking about not me." Everett said

"Oh and how is it different wise one" I said in all out sarcasm with my tone reflecting how annoyed I really was.

"Because you are my little sister, as in I am there to protect you from guys not help you choose who will break your heart." He said raising his voice.

"Wow, Ev" I said starting to feel unshed tears push forwards "never, ever did I think you would have the audacity to say that" I finished as I pushed past him leaving him standing alone in my room.

As soon as I was out of his sight I ran to my parents room and slowly opened and closed the door. I looked around the room and it was the same way it was when they left for Italy the bed was made to a military standard and my moms outfits thrown across the floor because she couldn't decide what to where. I cross the room and walk out on their balcony and turn around to face the side of the house. Since their room was the closest to the roof and I stood on the railing meaning I easily reached the roof and pulled myself up.

I don't know how long I was crying on the roof but by the time I was done the sun was high in the sky so I was guessing a couple hours. "Why did you have to leave?" I whispered knowing that my parents can't answer me but I needed to let it out. "Why did you have to go to Italy, why didn't you stay with me Daniel and Everett and we could mess around like old times?" And then I asked the question that I didn't realize I wondered "Why did Daniel and Everett force themselves to grow up so fast" the questions kept coming for about another hour until I realized I should probably go back inside.

As I entered the house I heard my brothers yelling at each other. "What do you mean you have no idea where Ella is?" Daniel yelled.

"I mean we got in a fight and she stormed off" Everett yelled back frustrated.

"What where you fighting about" Daniel said loudly but not quite yelling.

"Nothing" Everett replied taking on the same deadly tone as Daniel.

"Tell. Me. Now" he grit through his teeth "because right now Ella could be anywheres and you think keeping secrets is our priority." He finished.

By then I was downstairs and about to walk into the kitchen when I heard the saddest thing in my life.

"We were fighting because she likes three guys and wanted to know who is better and I frea-" he was cut off when I walked into the kitchen and when I thought there were no tears left I felt another wave rush forwards.

"Great Everett two new all time lows in one day you must be so proud" I gritted venomously through my teeth "I mean even after what you said in my room I never" I raised my voice at the word never "ever thought you would break a twin shake." I said before running to my room and texting Caden.

Hey Caden can we hang out now please

My phone buzzed and I looked down at it.

Sure I am actually by your house now. Come outside, oh and dress warmer.

With that I threw on a blue summer sweater and legging capris. After I ran out the door and hopped into Caden's black mustang.


Hello Wattpad readers. So what do you think of Everett's behaviour is it right that he is trying to protect her or wrong that he thinks she is stupid and naïve? And also Ella is getting a rebellious streak, who thinks it will last and how long?

Who is team Jacob?

Who is team Caden?

Who is team Kaleb?

I hope you all like the book.

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