Chapter 10

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I woke up and my mind immediately filled with thoughts and anticipation from last night and joyous ideas of what Kaleb has in store. I peel off my covers and open my curtains letting in the bright sunlight that reflects my mood.

I throw on some yoga pants and a tank top before skipping down the stairs. As I enter the kitchen I see Daniel on the phone and Everett hunched over his cereal. I turn around to leave the room before i get confronted by Everett but apparently I didn't have enough luck.

"Ella" Everett said in a sad voice. I turn around and see that his face is pale with slight bags around his puffy red eyes. "I know you don't want to talk to me but can I please just say I am so sorry Ella. The only reason I told him was because I thought you were gone. I was so scared Ella, and I felt like I had no other choice. I mean I totally get that you are mad I would be too, but I just had to say I am so sorry."

When Ev finished I wrapped him in a hug "Ev, I am sorry too, I know I overreacted and I understand why you did it," I said in all seriousness before taking on a playful tone "but if you ever do it again, lets just say you wont be able to have kids" i finished with a smirk on my face.

"Wow, apparently you picked up a thing or two from Daniel" he said as he shook his head laughing. "now what does Ella want for breakfast?" he asked.

"Hmm...... Ella wants..... I got it"" I said thinking of the best breakfast food ever "Bacon".

Again Everett just shook his head, "how did I not know that was coming?"

"I do not know, young Everett, I do not know." I joked in a solemn tone.

"Wow Ella, just wow" he said as he set the bacon in the hot pan. I sighed as I hear the glorious food sizzle and pop.

"I am glad you too are back to your usual bickering, because it was getting really quiet." Daniel said as he ruffled my hair.

"Daniel, my hair was perfect." I whine as I try to save my hair.

"Oh darn I guess you can't go on your date" he said playfully, "darn, just darn"

"No I have to go on that date so, I am going to go fix my hair" I said before adding "after I eat my bacon".

"Well, here you go Ella, here's your bacon" Everett said as he set a plate with ten pieces off bacon stacked on it.

"Ella" Daniel said as I went for the first piece "don't you think you need some fruit with that?" He questioned sounding like an over healthy mother.

"No I think that I could live off meat....." I pause before adding "I know I am becoming a carnivore, a bacon carnivore. Hmmm I like the ring to the name."

"Ella it was a rhetorical question," he said as he set a bowl of strawberries in front of me "at least eat half. Okay guys I have to go, I have a fight today. Goodbye and Ella be carful on your date."

"Okay mother" I say rolling my eyes and giving him a hug "good luck and crush them" I say as he grabs his bag and heads out he door.

As soon as the door closed Everett said "Lets throw a party" and we both burst out laughing.

After a couple minutes of laughing we both sobered up and I decided I should go get ready. "Hey Ev, I should go get ready for Kaleb." I said as I got up and headed to my room.

"Not without me, you won't" he said as he followed me into my room. "Let's just face the facts without me you couldn't match an outfit to save your life."

I spin around to playfully glare at him "hey my fashion sense is amazing".

"Yes I am sure it is, if you were in a pitch black tunnel" he said laughing "so what is the required attire?"

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