Side Story #2

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First peaceful meeting between Dream and Error

When Dream and Error met for the first time beside the wars, it was in a peaceful environment. Error was minding his own business, buying things in a neutral place, and not wearing his usual moon clothes on. Dream doubted about him being the Error from his twin's court because of that.

Error was standing in front of a food market guy, paying his fruits and vegetables. He was wearing simple faded blue pants with white boots, a white shirt and dark blue long vest with a hood over his head. Curiosity got the best of the sun king and he followed him to confirm the identity of this guy, even though the moon on the other's cheek and his recognizable black bones left no doubts.

So he followed him through the neutral city acting like a normal person. Nobody here minded the moon mark on his face, some people even greeted him. He knew then it was the Error he knew because the baker called him so. They spoke about the moon kingdom a bit, then to another subject that stroke Dream's curiosity more : Error's brothers. The destroyer have indeed a family.

He continued his filature in the town. Near the bakery and the drugstore, the moon inhabitant entered a house to be dragged in by colorful hands. The king had to peep inside to see what happened. Error was with five persons. A very colorful person is excitingly moving around the glitch, looking like a teen but Dream could swear he was older than Error. Error who's giving a bag to two little girls who happily called him 'uncle'. Sitting on a chair, a skeleton seemingly sick spoke with Error, telling him he didn't had to buy gifts and he shook his hand with the last person he soon identified as Error's brother in law.

As Dream kept spying, he suddenly felt a hand on his back, jumping but not emitting any sound. He turned around to see the colorful guy glaring at him menacingly.

"We don't really like being spied on..." he said, his voice less childish than earlier.

"Sorry... I was curious when I saw Error..." Dream answered.

Fresh looked at Dream, more at his sun mark on his cheek. He narrowed his sockets behind his glasses, but the king could swear he was strangely glaring at him, feeling something isn't right in this person. He could swore the protective brother was staring straight into his soul, making him dizzy.

"This is not a place for you, King of Sun. Error is off duty." He finally said.

Dream shuddered under the pressure the other was establishing on him. Who is this guy? He has no mark, like any others inside beside Error, but this guy is terrifying. Must be something in the family. Steps are heard before a familiar face appeared.

"Fresh? What are y- King Dream???"

Error arrived and immediately recognized the brother and swore enemy of the king he is serving. He frowned and looked around before forcing his brother and the king in his house.

"Why are you here??? Have you been following me?" said Error with anger.

"Seems like Curiosity killed the Cat." Answered Dream with a defeated face.

Error loudly sighed while crossing his arms. He seemed to think before looking at his brother in Law, expecting some wise advices. The said skeleton smiled and finally said :

"We are in a neutral city, I advise both of you to act either like strangers that never saw each other, or act like friends. If one of you decide to begin a war, I will have to act."

He stood charismatically, a cold pressure appearing at the end of his sentence to support his words. Dream finally realized who is this brother in law. Reaper is known in the city as a very famous and wealthy undertaker, Owning the only one in the city. Also his friends are numerous and he's high in this democratic society as a parliamentarian.

"Far from me the idea of wasting lives over my brother's closest henchman. That does not worth it." Said Dream.

"Good idea." Answered Reaper.

He leaned back to his husband and sat beside. The said husband stare emotionlessly at the king, not impressed at all.

"With all the respect due to a king, I still suggest you to leave. I may understand your passiveness because it is indeed legendary but I can't let you stay in my house to let you spy on my brother and family, we would be easy targets next and don't want that."

Saying that, he stroke one of his daughter's head, the other being against Error. Dream understood the point, two kids and a sick person will be to easy to strike Error's weak points. Dream bowed in front of Geno humbly, respecting this skeleton as charismatic as his husband.

"I will leave now and let you be at peace. Sorry for the intrusion."

Dream left the house, escorted by Error and Fresh. Error signed to Fresh to leave and that he could handle it, leaving the colorful groaning. He then walked to the king.

"May I walk a bit with you, King Dream?"

"Uh? Hum, sure, you may..."

The both walked through the city, discussing about everything but their respective roles and kingdoms, anything linked to them.

They didn't knew it, but it was the beginning of their friendship. Dream came back secretly to Error on his days off. He liked this break from everything. He liked the way he was treating him like a normal person and not a powerful being that is here just to make you dream and be happy. He loved Error's laugh, blush, some embarrassed jokes, his shyness sometimes. Dream felt normal and it was blissful.

The first times Error brought him to his brothers again, the welcoming was more cheerful, knowing Dream was here as a friend and not an enemy. Still some suspiciousness from everyone but the kids, but no backstabbing coming their way.

The king appreciated his interesting chats with Reaper and Geno, two very cultivated persons. They point of view were very helpful and Reaper's wisdom was not an usurped title. The daughters, Scythe and Khopesh, really liked Dream too. He was like a new uncle for them. Dream would sadly smile, remembering his own kids, born from Cross, a spy. He loves his kids but something always felt odd around their father.

Cross was not that much here, Dream is seeingError more than Cross, like the monochrome was fleeing him. He would findcomfort to Error. He told Error of his kids and the father from moon kingdom actingweirdly, but never mentioned the name. And one day, they both let it go. Crosswas not here that much more... Error wanted this love Dream was giving himbecause he couldn't to someone else. They began a relationship from then. 

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