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Dream and Nightmare were looking in so many books they were surrounded by them. They were too concentrated to see the time pass. They wanted so bad to find an idea... a help... anything.

... There, Dream screamed, jumping in the middle of books so Nightmare could locate him. The dark King waited for his twin to come. Dream appeared with a book. He has a smile on his face. He gave the said book to Nightmare who looked at it curiously.

"What's that? Links and Possessions? "

"Solution, Brother. Look."

Nightmare opened it and read it. His eyes widened as he read. He couldn't believe they found something like that. But...

"it's Black Magic, Dream."

"I know. You're the one who'll cast this you know."

"Because I'm somehow linked to him with my feelings?"

"In the middle."

"It's risky. We can both lost our feelings or die."

"You want him back?"


"Good. Do it."

Nightmare sighed and closed the book loudly. He did know Killer loved him. And he hardly admitted he loved him back. They have together that kind of strange bond since the beginning, but it didn't mean something the past times.

They always got along. Killer always understood him. And they always cared for each other, even unconsciously. Killer is loyal to him since the first time they met... and he fascinated Nightmare since.

His appearance raised questions this time they met. Big empty eyes sockets staring at him, he wasn't blind he noticed. He was poor, but he was a hunter. Yeah he hunted animals, but he already killed people, even if he was young.

Yeah, Killer was just a teen, not an actual adult, with murders behind him to protect the almost nothing he had, and a part of him was emotionless. That destabilized greatly Nightmare the first months Killer became one of his men.

And then, he succeed to enter the private circle of Nightmare's best men. He's the last one since. Error was the first one, Nightmare knew him since his childhood.

Nightmare went out of the room, Dream behind with a book in his hands. They went to Dream's room prepare what they need.


When Killer wake up, he felt sick. He sat painfully, he's still hurt after all. He touched his ribs and check himself. He didn't feel that much pain. Then, he noticed he's on a mattress. And there's something around his neck. An iron collar chained to the wall.

"Great..." murmurs Killer.

He pulled on the chain without any motivation. He didn't even thought about escaping. Knowing Color, he was watching him now. And Killer isn't in state for escape so, he stayed put.

The assassin decided to lay down and forget what happened the day before. He's satisfied thought about the little comfort. He was on a mattress, has a pillow, and a cover on his lower half.

"I know you're here. That's not very nice to spy me like that." said Killer.

Color stepped out of the darkness with a sorry face. He sat on the mattress next to the black teared skeleton.

"You're maybe asking yourself-"

"Why all of this?" Cuts Killer.

The flamed skeleton sighed with a little smile. His stare became far and lost.

It start with words... - NightkillerWhere stories live. Discover now