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The six guys splat so they covered more the place in the hope of catching Cross. They were running through the forest to find him the fastest they could.

Dust and Ink found nothing on the places they had to look in. Dust was mad they didn't find any clues but Ink was able to calm him down a bit and proposed to join the others.

They both found Horror and Blue. Horror was using his axe against a poor tree angrily and Blue didn't know what to do. The blue hooded was happy to see Dust and Ink coming. Dust succeed to stop Horror from cutting the poor tree.

Once Horror calmed down, they agreed to find Error and Nightmare.


Error and Nightmare are rummaging through an entire cabin. They found where Cross's hide was and were looking everywhere in. Look like he wasn't there and he took all his stuff. Almost.

" Ha hA ! I fØuƝD $Øm3thiƝg" Exclamed Error with a satisfied smile.

He went to Nightmare happily, holding a roll of paper. Nightmare took it and read the paper before grinning devilishly.

"He's stuck here now. He can't pass the border of the Neutral Empire without this paper."

Nightmare grin become bigger as he put the roll away in his shirt. He stared at the cabin again with a contented smile.

"FinallLy a gØØd n3w$"

"Come. We'll find the others and tell the good news. Now he's the one that'll come to us."

"CaƝ't h3 dØ3$ aƝØtH3r ØƝ3 ?!"

"No. Only one paper to fight against the illegal entrances."

Error and Nightmare both smile evilly as they're going out. They met the four others running toward them.

"Did you found him ?" asks Dust.

" No, we missed him but we almost had him. He fled and forgot a very important thing. So important that he can't flee in the Neutral Kingdom."

They all grin at the news, not knowing a black and white cloaked figure is watching them, red angered-filled eyes.


They returned at Dream's castle, finding him asleep on his bed, beside a reading Killer. The assassin look up and smile at them.

"You seem happy" he happily constated.

"Yes. We didn't caught him but he's the one that'll coming to us."

Nightmare explained shortly why and Killer just smiled and nodded. Nightmare, after putting Dream under the covers, sat on a chair.

"You're going to sleep on that chair ?"

"I don't need that much... And I'm used to."

"I know. But this time, I can't put you a cover on the back."

"I have to be used to know you're the only one to really care..."

Killer fell asleep under Nightmare's eyes. The King of the Moon stayed awake to keep an eye on the four people sleeping here.


Nightmare was reading a book when he heard footsteps. Looking at the clock, it was 3 am. Nobody is awake at this time.

The steps stopped at the door and didn't move. Five minutes later, Nightmare heard the door be carefully open. He grabbed his sword and silently stood up. The sword stopped in front of a neck. Cross's neck to be more precise.

"Gimme one fucking reason to not slice it now." He whispered-yell.

"Everyone is sleeping."

Nightmare stepped toward him, still the sword at the neck. Cross had to step back and they both went out of the room and Nightmare closed the door behind him.

It start with words... - NightkillerWhere stories live. Discover now