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The news quickly spread around the close circle around the kings. Killer accepted to be Nightmare's. Dream ran to his brother's room. When he entered, Killer was sitting peacefully on the bed while Nightmare was sitting beside, playing with Hope with his tentacle.

"I heard the new!"

"Dream, you're too positive."

"I'm not sorry! You have your Queen!"

"stop calling me "Queen"!"


"Beside you."

Dream squealed. Killer got more embarrassed and blushed. That made the two kings smile. Nightmare's smile got even bigger.

"Dream, speaking of wedding, how's your boyfriend from my court?"

Dream blushed heavily and crossed his arms. He seemed a bit upset because like said, Error is a Moon inhabitant and he couldn't really be with him.

"Stop messing with him." said Killer.

"Error live in a neutral place. He doesn't need anything from the Moon's court to marry someone."

It's an overjoyed Dream that stormed off the room to run to his lover, under a smiling Killer and a desperate Nightmare.

"Did I just drop one of my men in his arms?"

"We'll may have Ink if he continues with Dust..." stated Killer.

"Yeah, you're right... you're always..."

"I'll keep that sentence for later." Killer said teasingly.

Nightmare scoffs and crossed his arms. He hoped not.


A few months passed, The afternoon was quite agitated.

Baby Hope stopped playing with his adoptive father's tentacle to whine in pain. Both parents noticed the change. Hope cried more in pain, holding his hand with his small hands and Nightmare used his magic to try to calm the kid down.

"What's happening ?!" cried Killer.

"His magic. Hope has too much magic for his age and body. It wants to go out."

"But... b-b-b-but..."

"Yeah. It'll wound him. Remember why Color has holes in the head. Too much magic. Don't worry Killer, I was preparing for that."

Killer stared in shock at his baby crying in pain. He was crying himself, too worried and anxious for him. On the other hand, Nightmare was calm, his magic out to calm Hope. It did but not entirely. Nightmare tsk.

"Killer, what will happen won't please you."

Killer only respond with more cries but he let him take the little baby in his arms and a brighter turquoise light came off of his hands. Killer could only see Nightmare's back since he turned himself to spare the vision to Killer. And the light is blinding him.

The turquoise light is suddenly cut by a multicolored one. But no cry of pain, the baby was calmer. Nightmare fall on his back on the bed, seeming in pain. Baby Hope was on his torso, a hole on his forehead where came from a multicolored flame. Hewas looking at his mom with a smile.

"Night? What did you do?!"

"Took his pain..."

Nightmare's eye sockets were closed, but he is enough awake to prevent the baby from falling off of him. Killer lifted Nightmare beside him as Hope patted Nightmare's cheeks.

"This baby is already troublesome..." muttered the dark king.

"Thanks Night..." Killer said as he kissed his forehead.

It start with words... - NightkillerWhere stories live. Discover now