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/!. Triggering content in there.

Killer woke up painfully. He coughed harshly before someone handed him a bottle of water. He looked up and then noticed all around. He's in someone's arms, both sitting on the ground. They were shouts and cries in the background, something is burning, it is really hot. He felt dread around him... and Death. A scent of burned meat and burnt wood was filling the air. He could hear people shouting names, he knew names because he heard Cross's.

But Killer just stared at the other eyes... eye. A blue piercing eye.


"We are going home."


A few hours before.

It's been months since the beginning of the researches. Eleven months, Nightmare counted each day since Killer had been kidnapped. Two shadows walked down a corridor rapidly. It's been too long to find him. Everyone had been nervous and angry to still not found Color and Killer.

Nightmare entered the council room with Dream. Everyone was here. Ink jumped off Dust's arms, but Dream stayed in Error's.

"We finally have Killer's location!" Declared Nightmare.

Everyone in the room seemed excited. They all began to question them, but Nightmare shushed them. Twice Color fled with his hostage, they didn't have to waste their time. He ordered to everyone to prepare themselves.

Once everybody left, Nightmare pulled out a knife from his belt to admire it. It was Killer's favorite one. Nightmare heard steps behind him and he knew who it was.

"For a famously known cold-heart King, you're kind of emotional. More than you had been with me."

"Thought you were banned, Cross."

"Won't be out of here without bringing Killer back. I hate him, but he doesn't deserve that."

"You're the one who began the whole story when you accepted to team up with him."

"Oooh! Thank you to bring it up again, we really need that!"

"You're welcome. Oh ! I'm dying to know why you cheated on me with Dream. You said you love me but you have kids on both side."

"You know you didn't really show me your love toward me. I went to a people who did."

"But it's still good to fuck two people, because why not."

"You didn't cheated on me ?"

"Why would I ? I chose you. You loved me, Killer loved me but I didn't know. Still you were the chosen. I didn't have reasons to betray you."

Touché. Cross said nothing more. Nightmare pulled back the weapon on his belt and quitted the room. He was ready. He always had been since eleven months.

He did the only thing everyone and himself thought he couldn't do in his entire life... he fell really hard for someone. Maybe Love but a sick love. Nightmare knew it himself. He loves killer in a sick way. He'll kill Color for sure, even if Dream tried to convince him not to. He will keep Killer for him as his queen, and nobody else could approach him anymore. He will be jealous... because he knew Killer loves him like nobody did and he didn't want to let that go.

The Dark King was waiting in the halls for the others. They arrived very quickly, and they all run through the forest to the hiding place they found. It took hours to arrive, so they took a break before attacking. Nightmare couldn't hold himself in place. Killer was there. He felt it. His grip tightened around the knife at his belt.

It start with words... - NightkillerWhere stories live. Discover now