FAQ Answers

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Charisk17 "What will you do to Color when you'll find him?"

Nightmare : *dreaming about all kind of torture he can do* 

Luxuriases "How much do you like killer uwu"

Nightmare : ... a lot ? 'm'not sure... *turns his head to blush*

Luxuriases "so you actually don't give a f about the fact that Cross cheated on you with your brother? Lux have almost the same Age as your kids and I don't think he was mind controlled back then when he "made" Lux with your bro."

Nightmare : I am. I want him to pay... but i think he did learn the lesson. And my focus is on someone else now.

Monochromaticheart "do you like reading a lot? If so what's you're favorite novel?"

Nightmare : "I do like books, Horror, Polar and even a bit of Roman genre and fantastic. I don't have favorite novel."


idabellabenn "what is your favorite thing to do in your free time?"

Killer : "Training."

Thevoid123 "FAVOURITE BAND! Do you like acapella? What group? SO MANY QUESTIONS!!!"

Killer : *startle by the person's hype* huh... i like music but doesn't listen to it that often. I do like acapella. What group of what.

Monochromaticheart "On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you like Nightmare? (even though you're emotionless, still answer!)"

Killer : huh... platonically? 'm'not sure... but.. eh, maybe if the 1 is on the top and 10 the bar above the ground... i'll be digging. 


Monochromaticheart "What was your first reaction when you saw Ink (like, love at the first sight)"

Dust : uuuuuh... since it was in a fight, i punched him in the face.


GedanNJackal "Were you always a good cook? Or did someone teach you?"

Horror : I learnt by myself. I wanted my brother to eat different dishes to be in good health.

Monochromaticheart "what made you cannibalism?"

Horror : No food left in the village. People began to eat the first deads persons.


_BlueCaty_ "Do you have a crush?"

Cross : uuuh.. i do love Dream and Nightmare.. ya know, split love for two persons.

Luxuriases "Sooooo

You like night or dream ?"

Cross : question above.

Monochromaticheart "are you feeling better after Color manipulated you ?"

Cross : No.

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