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"We're going home."

How long Killer dreamt of hearing this? He didn't know. More than 9 months for sure. But hearing that as he felt Nightmare's tentacles around him, securing him against his chest, he persuaded himself it was real. He lightly raised his stare to Nightmare. He was staring right in front of him to something ... burning?

He weakly turned his head to see a destroyed place burning. He noticed also his comrades and even Dream and his two best men. Everybody was shocked and Dream was crying. He didn't know what happened. He just saw his friends injured only god knows how.

Nightmare tilted his head to Killer. His face was indescribable. Killer heard a little giggle as he saw his little baby playing with a tentacle that Nightmare was moving in front of the curious child. Killer smiled lightly and Nightmare could feel contentment and relief from him.

"Guys, we're going."

Everybody stood. Killer noticed Cross wasn't there. He didn't question it. Yet he remembered him helping him. After all, he's the one who found him and brought back to the king he belonged to. Killer noticed a part of an army... or what it rested. Color was a strong mage after all.

The baby was still playing with the tentacle, chewing on it with his teethless jaws and staring at this big tall black skeleton holding his momma. The big iridescent pupils were staring non-stop at the bright shining circlet. Nightmare finally looked at the baby.

He wanted so bad to hate this baby. Actually, he didn't. Because it wasn't his fault. The baby didn't asked. But inside, there is still a part that hate him because of Color, he couldn't help it. A tentacle stroked the baby's cheek, pulling away the translucid tears, that comes out quickly again, like Killer's black ones. The little one giggled in the tentacle, liking it.

"Did you name him?" The corrupted asked Killer.

"His name's Hope..."

"Your hopes..."

Killer nodded a little. He shuddered to feel a bit of fresh air on him, but it felt good at the same time but it was a clue he was free. Nightmare enveloped him more in his cloak.

They all quickly arrived at Dream's castle. The most wounded were quickly taken to the hospital, while Nightmare and Dream brought Killer to the royal doctor, persuading him to heal the non-royal being with the baby.

Killer cried when Hope had to be taken from his arms so the doc could see if he was okay. Dream used his powers to calm him down while Nightmare was eyeing carefully the baby. Well, he was more beside the doctor, letting the small bean holding his appendages to play with the time the doc verify him.

To be honest, Nightmare was really curious about the baby. He hated him but he actually loved him too. Because he's a part of Killer, and he began to be obsessed. That's bad...

After being bandaged, Killer had his baby back in his arms and pulled him in Cross's scarf he's still in. Dream transferred him in Nightmare's room, on his brother's ask. Before the corrupted king could join Killer, Dream caught him.

"I have news from Hospital."

"Oh, how are they all?"

"For the highest ranked fighters, Horror survived his wounds but he's still badly injured. Actually, they don't know if Dust will see again after a very harsh hit in the head. Error is well, a few broken bones but he's managing. You lost 53% of your men but for the rest, a few can't work in the army anymore."

"I see. And yours?"

"Ink is creating his arm back. Blueberry is okay. I lost 75% of my men."

"Well. Sorry for that. And thanks for the help."

It start with words... - NightkillerWhere stories live. Discover now