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Nightmare was in the Kitchen, eating a lot of chocolate bars. He finally said to his three best guards Horror, Dust and Error that he was pregnant and ended explaining the whole situation.

If the hour wasn't that critic, they would be laughing and gently mocking him. But it wasn't the time. Since one of them tried to kill the King and another of them is between the hands of the traitor, they were mostly on watch and stressed. More than ever now they know Nightmare wasn't in a state to fight. After, Nightmare went silent. He didn't talk unless it's necessary. Only the three main guards could approach Nightmare.

The evening, Error came back with a cloaked guy. The guy revealed himself to be Ink when they're all in the council room. As soon as they knew who he was, Nightmare shot the first question.

"How's Killer ?"

"Dream forbid Cross to see him... he's badly injured."

"How bad ?" asked Dust.

"Almost killed. It isn't easy to fight when your soul is in front of your chest, with a target form."

"His soul is injured ?!"

"No. But most of his injuries are because he protected it. Dream tries his best to heal him but Cross... has resources. Thought, nobody knows why he wants to kill him. Maybe you know."

"Hmm... they never got along... but I didn't know it was at this point..."

"Dream planned on getting Killer out so he can return here. I know about the truce, so I'll help. But Killer can't go now, he's too unstable."

"Okay. Take care of Killer for now, we'll take care of Cross..."

"Dream said you can pass the border to find him."

"Thank him from me."

"And he wants to see his nephews more often in the future."


Ink pulled on his hood on and went back to his own King. Nightmare sat to write something and gave it to Error. The black boned skeleton raised a brow as he's reading the paper. It's a decree to arrest Cross and saying he's a traitor in the Empire of the Moon.

Error went out to publish the decree as Nightmare look up at the rest, a determined look on his face.

"You all prepare yourself, we're going to find him."


Nightmare, Error, Dust and Horror were behind the castle. Nightmare leaved the control of the kingdom to a very trusted friend while he's out. And they went out.

Once in the Empire of the Sun, they put their roles of random witchers so they pass very well through the empire of the Sun.

They met Dream to his castle to explain the whole thing but first, Nightmare wanted to see Killer. The three others were waiting. Error played with his strings, Horror watched him since he hasn't better things to do and Dust... was flirting with Ink. The Mapmaker playing the game and flirting with the murderer too.

Dream and Nightmare were walking down the prison. They pass in front of some of Nightmares subjects but the Moon king said nothing and stayed hidden in his cloak.

They went very far in the prisons to arrive in front of a wall. Dream used his magic and the wall open. Another corridor led them to a special room. It used to be a hide place for Dream but since Killer's condition, well it became his. Nightmare detailed the wounded with a sad and regretful look.

Killer was laying on a bed, staring at the ceiling. He didn't even turn his head toward the new comers. His left arm has a plaster cast. All his body is bandaged. His legs are under a cover and Nightmare saw he was only wearing pants, all the rest of his stuff was on the chair beside the bed. He's a bit out of breathe and looked like he has a slight fever. He has big band aids on his cheeks.

It start with words... - NightkillerWhere stories live. Discover now