What will happen

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This is a drawing i'v made of adults Hadeis and Hope against Kalei

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This is a drawing i'v made of adults Hadeis and Hope against Kalei. 

Hadeis fled the Moon kingdom with baby Hope and Night's closest henchmen to Dream. Dream kept them with him, beginning a war against Kalei who attacked the Sun kingdom when they refused to give Hope. 

Hope and Kalei are markless and Hadeis has the moon on right cheek. Hope will grow up mostly blind, his brother Hadeis being his eyes, and Hope is his brother's strategist.
Kalei will show himself into a crueler ruler than Nightmare, threathening everyone to death for nonsens. He'll be called the Mad King or the Revengeful King. 

What nobody knows is that Nightmare is not dead, but is kept into coma and hidden somewhere only Kalei knows. 

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