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A year later...

Nightmare and Killer succeed to bend the laws to marry each other. Well, the church greatly disproved but since a baby was going to be born from their union, he will be the official successor, and the church then, accepted the wedding.

Their son born. A baby boy with white and dark purple bones. His arms, neck and sides of his skull are dark purple. He has one pupil in his left eye socket and a flat apple shaped soul inside his ribcage. He was very calm, looking curiously around him. Then two little tentacles came from the back to grab Killer's wrist.

Hope was in Incubux arms looking at his new sibling curiously. Moonlight was beside Killer, looking at the baby as curiously as the others.

"Waaaah! What's his name Mom?"

Killer smiled. "Hadeis."

"cool name." Said Incubux.

"I love it!" shouted Moon.

"Des !" exclaimed happily Hope.

Nightmare was sitting beside Killer, happy? Well he was smiling in a happy way. Hope moved, wanting to be with his mom too. They all finished on the bed.

Killer was on the floor, teaching Hadeis to crawl. Hope was beside him watching at his brother quietly. The two babies developed a strong bond and Killer was happy about that. So Hadeis was always walking toward his brother. Behind Hope is Moonlight. Moonlight was watching him because he's only two years and might accidently hurt his brother so he was here in case.

Nightmare entered the room with Incubux. Hope was happy to see his monochrome sibling and raised his hands so his big brother can take him in his arms. Killer laughed because Hadeis was mimicking him.

That's so cute of him..." said Killer.

"You're cute too." Nightmare said to his husband.

Nightmare kissed Killer's cheek gently before Killer gave him his teeth. Hope whined, wanting his mom. So the three siblings ended up on the bed, Hope crawling between Nightmare and Killer.

"Well, now I'll talk about the subject. A sickness is inside the castle's walls. A bunch of maids are really sick and I want you all staying in this apartment so you don't catch it." Suddenly announced Nightmare.

"Is this why our nanny isn't here?" asked Moonlight.

"She's sick. Like half of the maids and butlers. It's like an inside war. I had to take decisions to lighten their works. The castle is also in shutdown. No one goes in or out."

"That's really serious."

"Dream sent Ink to help us. I sent somewhere else Horror and Error so they aren't here."

"Maaaan... I feel like it's the end of the world..." exclamed Incubux.

"I'm myself locked here, maids don't want me to be sick. Some new rules are up so the sickness won't spread."

"More time with us!" Moonlight was really happy.

"I find this situation weird" Killer whispered to his husband.

Nightmare looked at Killer who clearly want to talk about that but not in front of the kids. He stood and pointed the next room. Killer put Hadeis in his crib and charged Incubux to watch over the babies.

Both Nightmare and Killer entered the next room. Killer was frowning and the corrupted noticed it.


"The sickness. Is it kind of great fever with paralysis and blood coming out of every holes a person has?"

"You know something?"

It start with words... - NightkillerWhere stories live. Discover now