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In Dream's castle, it was difficult...

Error was comforting a devastated Dream. Ink was calming an upset Dust. Horror and Blueberry were carrying the two wounded bodies. They didn't know what happened, but they knew something.

Cross had been manipulated by magic.


Dream, Ink, Blueberry, Dust, Error and Horror arrived at the said cabin. When they opened the door, Blueberry couldn't resist and threw up beside the door. All the cabin's inside is covered in blood and bones.

Cross is the first person they found. He was pinned on the wall with several bones in each part of his body, head include, his blood running down on the floor. They didn't knew if he was dead or unconscious. Dust stepped to Cross.

"He's alive." He stated.

A high pitched scream made everybody jump. Before they realized it was Dream's voice. Error ran to his secret boyfriend, to find him crying with a form in his arms. Error quickly noticed his King in the Bright King's arms.

"DR3AM FØUƝD Ɲ!GHTMAR3 !" he screamed before running to the twins.

Dream's clothes were stained with his twin blood. Nightmare was barely breathing. Blood was dripping from everywhere, his only eye, mouth, cuts, broken bones... Dream's eyes opened in shock when he realized.

Something that should be there and isn't anymore... He was about to say something, but Nightmare moved his head. He didn't opened his eye, still bleeding but one of his hand grabbed his twin's clothe.

"D-Dream ...?"

"N-Nightmare ?!"

"Dream... listen to me... Cross-"

"Cross is alive but we don-"

"Let me speak. He's been manipulated... somebody is controlling him by magic... but I managed to free him..."

"I-I... Nightmare ! No don't pass out ! Stay awake !"

Nightmare passed out in Dream's arms. Error was staring at them intensely, processing what Nightmare said. He stood and said to Dream to take Nightmare to the castle. Error then went to Cross and, under the others protests after they saw Nightmare's state, Pulled out Cross of the wall and enveloped him in his cloak before following the others. Horror took Cross in his arms and Blue took Nightmare under Error's command.

Beside Dream, they were mad to see Cross being carried with them before Dream explained what Nightmare said. They didn't saw it coming



A pained groan attracted their attention. Cross began to wake up and in a very painful way. Horror sat beside him.

"You shouldn't move buddy, you'll open your wounds."

"Well I deserve them..." he said with a cracked voice.

He painfully sat on the bed. Everyone was staring at him. He became nervous. He didn't know what they will do. And asking how's Nightmare isn't a good idea either.

"Nightmare is okay. He's in the bed next to you." Said Dream.

Cross turned his head to Nightmare and sighed in relief. Everyone sat on Cross bed.

"Ɲ!ghtmar3 $a!d yØu w3r3 maƝipulat3d."

"Aww he caught me off guard, this fucking bastard.." Cross groaned.

It start with words... - NightkillerWhere stories live. Discover now