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Horror, Dust, Error, Killer and Nightmare are in the council room. Nobody talked about Nightmare's poisoning because it was clear he was healed. Nightmare, on Error's ask, sent a messenger to Dream's castle. He wasn't happy of the answer. That just fed his Anger and his Sadness.

"The goal is to brings my kids back. If we can, we bring Cross and I'll make him regret everything he's done. And if we can mess in his castle, it's perfect."

They all nod. The plan was simple. The army will attack the army of the Sun at strategic points. Some chosen guys will play the four counselors and the King while the real ones will break up in Dream's castle to have the kids back. Once they have the kids, they'll go back to their castle.

"We're attacking tomorrow. Everyone should be prepared."

They all nodded again before splitting to their occupations. Nightmare sat in his chair. He thought he was alone, but Killer came to his view. He sat beside his King.

"You can go Killer."

"Eh. I prefer to keep an eye on you, my King. If you have some side effects in the 12 hours after taking it, I want to be there, so the others won't find you in this state."

"You soften while taking care of my twins..."

"Eh, I had to. If I didn't, they'll leave by themselves."

"You're not telling everything."

"I don't want to seem weak."

"Can we talk about earlier ?" asked Nightmare, sarcastically.

Killer just smiled a bit while Nightmare was staring at him. The King of Negative was analyzing Killer's feelings. And they're very confused and mixed up. Mostly Anger, a bit of Sadness, Hatred and... positive feelings. Is that Love or Great Happiness?

Killer tilted his head. Nightmare's eyes moved. Nightmare took a deep breath and stood. Killer imitated him and followed him. They arrived to Nightmare's room. Nightmare came in while Killer posted himself in front of the door, having the idea of guarding. Nightmare sighted.

"Come in stupid, you need to rest for tomorrow."

Killer stared at Nightmare with shock and a questioning look. Nightmare sighted again as a tentacle wrapped around killer's waist. Killer squeaked a bit as his legs struggled under him. Nightmare came in his room and dropped Killer after closing his door.

Killer, half sitting, half lied on the floor, looked at Nightmare, completely lost. Nightmare didn't look at Killer. He removed his cape that fell on the floor. Killer stood up.

"Do you need help my King ?"

"No. you sleep on the couch. Questions ?"

Killer shook his head. He turned around and began to undress himself a bit. He just kept his socks, pants, t-shirt, his suspenders and his fingerless gloves. He put a knife under his pillow and put one on the ground. He stretched his body a bit, not noticing Nightmare staring at him from behind.

Killer laid on the couch and stared at the ceiling before turning his head to Nightmare. The goopy King was still staring at the assassin, but he noticed that Killer was giving him his stare back. The black skeleton turned his head and laid on his bed. Killer raised a brow but decided to say nothing.

Killer stared at the ceiling most of the night. Nightmare noticed. He doesn't need to sleep since he has to take care of nightmares, giving some to Horror for stealing food earlier and some guys from all over the kingdom. Nightmare sighted and sat. Killer, aware of this, sat, being on watch. Nightmare just forced Killer to sleep with his powers without saying anything.

It start with words... - NightkillerWhere stories live. Discover now