Side Story #1

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So, first side story, how Dust and Ink ended up as a couple... well, read x)


It was a day like others. Dust was around, being the loner boy he is, in the forest near the Moon's castle. He was sitting on a branch in a tree when he heard a sound. He opened an eye socket to find a hooded person running toward the castle.

The killer sighed and jumped on the ground before quietly following the new guy. As the stranger was about to enter one of the secret paths, Dust jumped on him, making them both fell.

Startled, the unknown guy sat just to meet Dust blade in front of his face.

"who are you?" asked Dust.

The stranger sighed and raised his hand slowly before one of them put off the hood, revealing Ink, the Sun's empire royal mapmaker. Dust raised his bone brow, asking himself why a mapmaker was here, before thinking about that fact that he IS a mapmaker and can find ways to come in the Moon's empire without them knowing. It's also the first time they properly met. Ink is always seen behind the Sun king, the only one fighting him being Error.

"what are you doing here, Mapmaker?" he asked coldly.

"eh, what do you think I'm doing?" Ink answered with a smirk.

"oh, seeing the landscape, maybe being a dumbass prey for Moon's empire assassins."

"hey! Don't insult me!"

"No. Dumbass. Being in the Moon Empire at night is dumb."

Ink's face paled, but not because of fear or any negative emotion... but just because he did not know if he found Dust cute or hot. Sure, Dust is the same heigh as him, but now that he was on the ground, Dust is somehow hotter.

Ink detailed Dust. He did not wear his everyday clothes. He had some... darker. He still had a hood over his head were the light of his -beautiful- pupils were shining. But he wore a long black cloak, a black scarf over the red one to hide it, a shirt that seemed to have long sleeves, a skinny black pants and boots. A belt was holding a few knives, as well the little corset.

Dust raised his bone brow seeing Ink blush.

"why the fuck are you blushing? Have you got a weird kink where you are dominated by your enemy? That explain why you lose all the times against Error..."

"Hey! I do not have this weird kink. And I do not always lose!"

"yeah yeah..."

Ink's stare blackened. He gripped at the knife, cutting his hand yeah but jumped on Dust, straddling him and pinning him on the ground. Dust stares in shock at Ink.

"what the fuck!"

He threw his punch in Ink's face, cracking the skull and pushed him off him. He stood and jumped as Ink is complaining about his broken skull and healing it.

"you sure have some strength..." says Ink.

"I'm one of King Nightmare's closest assassin. I must have strength."

"What's your name?"

Dust didn't answer and raised his arm and circles of deadly bones surround Ink. He disliked the idea of Killing someone tonight, he was so peaceful for once. He sighs, annoyed. Ink's face lit up.

"Oh! I think I got your name! Error called you at the last battle!"

Dust still didn't answer and let his bones fly to Ink. The sun soldier dodged and ran toward Dust. Bones surrounded the murderer as Ink jumped. He tried to reach Dust but was projected against a tree. Ink jumped on his feet and came again toward the other. Dust attacked again and Ink still dodged.

This went on for quite a time. The sun soldier finally found an opening in Dust's defense and went in. He pinned him on the ground, face against the ground.

Dust groaned, unable to move. Ink was on his back, pining both his hand on the ground with his. He knew now why it's only Error fighting him now, he's stronger than he looks.

"finally..." sighed Ink. "you are very persistent and have quite the stamina."

"let me go!"

"hmm nope! Finally caught you!" He could feel Ink smile. "Dust."

Dust looked up at Ink and yes, he was indeed smiling. The assassin glared at the mapmaker. He couldn't believe he had been caught.


Dust looked up at Ink, still glaring but waited for the question.

"If I let you go, you'll meet me next week at the same place, same hour?"

"why should I accept?"

"if not, I bring you to Dream."

"oh yeah, I loooooove ultimatums" Dust said, Sarcasm in his voice and a eye roll.


"see you next week."

Ink smiled and let Dust go before disappearing. Dust groaned, annoyed. In what kind of mess did he put himself in...


The next week, Dust was at the post, at the time. Ink too, surprisingly. The Artist smiled at him, looking at the murderer with a big goofy smile. Dust sighed and let Ink climb to sit in front of him.

"how are you Dust?"

"... good I guess."

"I'm surprise to see you here."

"a deal's a deal..."

Ink tried to have some basic chat with Dust, not asking anything about the moon empire and Dust appreciated that. They had the 'tell me one fact about you and I'll tell you one of mine' chat.

Dust was surprise to see that Ink was basically a neutral, but because of Error, he sided with Dream. Dust explained that he sided with Nightmare because of Sun's empire army. Because they never came.

"They were supposed to help us. Not to let us disappear and die... of this fucking disease..."

"I heard about this disease story. A few of you survived it. Mostly of the touched cities are in the Moon's empire."

"I killed a lot of persons... sick ones... and healthy ones after so they won't die badly..."

Ink sadly smiled at him and Dust felt like someone really tried to listen to him. They continued to chat, more comfortable with each other.


This went on for weeks. The same day of the week, same place. And a way to communicate. Dust still is an assassin, and Ink, as much as he dislikes the idea, used himself to the idea he was now flirting with a killer that needed to kill.

Yeah, they flirted. That was fun and it added something in their friendship... Then, they also became sex friends after. Dust did not really trust moon guys, and his friends all had their mates. Ink just didn't think about other guys...

Thought, they never spoke about their relationship. They aren't a couple, not a hidden love... they're just... well with the other. They didn't need to officialize it. Nobody had to know.

And they were fine with that. 

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