The First Day

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As soon as you got there, you stared in Aw. The place was HUGE! As soon as you walked in the doors a map bot offered you a map. "Take a map" it said. "Thank you! Have a good day!" You said to the map bot as you took a map. "Let's see here," you said trying to figure out how to get to the day care.
You ended up in front of a slide. "Is this the entrance?" You asked yourself. "I guess I'll go down the tunnel." Once you slid out of the slide you landed in a ball pit. "Oh this place is cool!" you said aloud. All of a sudden you heard something."hooohoho, what a wonderful morning!" You looked up and saw a sun animatronic jumping from a ledge that was high up on the wall. "Wait is that Sundrop? I think I saw him on the map." You thought. The animatronic landed in the ball pit but then disappeared. All of a sudden you felt long warm fingers on your thighs and someone lifting you up onto there shoulders. "HELLO THERE AND WELCOME! YOU MUST BE THE NEW DAYCARE ATTENDANT! IM SUNDROP! WHAT IS YOUR NAME?"


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He shouted exitedly as he got out of the ball pit and put you down. "Hi Sundrop, my name is y/n." "You can call me Sun, or Sunny, or whatever works best for you!" You said exited. "Okay, I'll call you Sunny." "Yay okay! Let me show you around new best friend! But first there is one rule! Lights always stay on, ON! Follow me I'll show you the place!" He said as he skipped away. You followed him as he showed you everything. "And that's everything! Do you want to see my room?" He asked. "Sure, why not?" You said. "That was random" you thought to yourself. You walked over to we're the ledge was. "Oh here you go!" Sunny says as he lifts you up by your waist so you can reach the ledge. You climb up and there is 2 rooms connected to each other. There was artsy stuff everywhere. There was also a sofa that was only meant for 1 person and a tv in front of it with exotic butters on top of the tv. The walls were sun themed, exept for one. One wall was moon themed. "So this is your room?" You ask. "Yep! You like it?" He asked. "Yea, but why is only one wall moon themed?" You asked curiously. "I-Uh, hey I think the kids will be here soon! Let's go get everything ready!" you nervously chuckled. "Ohhh kayyy" you said confused. He helped you back down and you guys set up everything for the kids. Not long after that the kids arrived. "HELLLOOOO FRIENDS! This is your new daycare attendant y/n! She will help you if you need anything!" He said cheerfully. "Sunny, is she going to leave like the other daycare attendants?" A child asked. Sunny looked sad when the child said that. "No, I will be working here for a long time!" You assured the kid. Sunny and all the kids looked happy. "What does everyone want to do? We can finger-paint, do arts and crafts with glitter glue and googley eyes, we can play hide and seek, we can play tag, and we can color-" the kids shouted "tag!" "Okay, come on y/n, your going to play too!" Sunny said. He grabbed your hands and pulled you up off of the ground. You guys played tag for 1 hour until you tripped on something. You didn't see what it was but Sunny caught you in his arms. You started blushing a lot, "thanks Sunny, that could have been bad!" You said. "I'll always be here for you!" He said. You both started to blush a lot. "Let's go and play something else!" Sunny said. "Why is he kind of hot though, he is so sweet and kind and funny and-" you cut yourself off. "Come on y/n! Let's go draw!" Sunny said. You sat by Sunny and you both and the kids all started drawing for a while. "What are ya drawing?" You asked Sunny. "Oh, um, nothing. Just drawing!" He chuckled nervously. "Okay then" you say knowing something is going on. After a while everyone got bored so Sunny suggested "Who wants to play hide and seek?" "I do!" Kids shouted. "Okay go hide I will count to 20! You too y/n!" He smiled at you. There was something about him that made your heart feel so... warm and filled your stomach with butterflies. You chuckled "okay but I bet you won't find me!" You said as you ran to find a hiding place. Somehow you found a really good hiding place that nobody took. You felt a little tired so you rested your eyes while He searched for everyone.

Word count:823

Sundrop/Moondrop x femaleWhere stories live. Discover now