A Rainy Day

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-sorry for how long this chapter turned out😅-

You wake up to Sunny stroking your hair. "Good morning sunshine!" He says happily. "Good morning!" You say and you yawn. "How are you feeling? Do you feel warm?" He feels your head. "I'm fine, for real this time!" You say chuckling. "Are you sure?" He says worriedly. "Yes, I promise!" You tell him. "Okay then! Let's go get ready! You both jump down in the ball pit. You go get a pop tart for breakfast and some water because you are parched. After you eat it your pop tart and drink the water you help Sunny set up for the kids. "It says on the check in list there is a new kid!" You say exited. "Oh goody! A new friend to play with!" Sunny said also exited. You guys walk over to the ball pit and a couple minutes later the kids slide down. "Gooood Morning friends!" Sunny says. "Good morning Sunny! Good morning miss y/n!" The kids say. Then the new kid said "your ugly looking!" to Sunny. Sunny looked like he was going to cry. "Don't you say that to him, I think he is adorable. We don't say mean things here, so you better be nice or we will have to ban you from the day care and call security to come get you." You tell the kid. Sunny looks at you with a sad smile but still offended. "So what do you all want to do today?" You ask the kids. "Color!" Most of them said. You, Sunny, and the kids went to the coloring table to color. The kids colored but Sunny looked sad watching them. You took Sunnies hand and led him away to where the kids couldn't see you. "What's wrong?" You asked Sunny very concerned. "I just don't know why kids call me ugly." He said sadly. "Hey, I think you are really adorable, don't let those kids bring you down. Sunny still looked upset so you gave him a big hug. "I love you Sunshine." He tells you. "I love you too Sunny." You tell him. You guys hug for a minute with his head on your shoulder, then you go back out to the kids. "Look what I drew Sunny!" One kid said. They showed Sunny a picture that they drew of him. "Well that's a wonderful drawing! I love it!" He says much more happy now.
"I made it for you!" The kid said. "Oh why thank you!" Sunny says happily. You sit down and start drawing a picture for Moon. Sunny sits next to you and starts doing the same. After drawing for a while a kid says "can we play tag in the play area?" "Of coarse! Let's go!" Sunny says. After a while of Sunny chasing you and the kids around, everyone got tired. "Can we do arts and crafts now?" A kid said. "I wanna use the glitter glue and googley eyes!" Another kid said. "Yes let's do arts and crafts! Googley eyes and glitter glue are the best!" Sunny said skipping to the arts and crafts table.

(So fucking adorable when he skips I can't-)You guys sit down and do arts and crafts

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(So fucking adorable when he skips I can't-)
You guys sit down and do arts and crafts. "I'm going to make stars and moons with glitter glue and then make a sun and clouds with glitter glue for moon and you." You tell Sunny. "Oh! Thanks you Sunshine!" He says. "No problem! I haven't made anything for you yet and I know you love glitter glue." You say admiring his smile. You all do arts and crafts for 2 hours and then a kid yawns. "Looks like everyone is getting tired!" Sunny says. "Who's ready for nap time!" You say to the kids. All of them agree but the kid who called Sunny ugly. "No! Nap time is for losers!" they screamed. "Sunny, you go put the kids down to sleep, I'll get this one." You say smiling at him. "Are you sure? I can stay and help if you want." He says "You have already done a lot, it is fine I got him!" You say to him. Sunny goes to put the children down for a nap while you try to get the rude on to go along with them. "Naps aren't for losers, everyone needs some slee because it gives your body energy to get through the day!" You tell the child. "I hate this place! Everyone is annoying and you and Sunny are so ugly. You look at him shocked, a kid has never been this disrespectful before. "You are stupid and I won't take a nap!" You yells. "What is your problem? Why don't we talk about this?" You say trying to calm him down. "NO! I won't listen to a bitch like you! You look like a fucking whore!" He says to you. "We are just trying to take care of you" you say starting to cry. Kids aren't usually spawns of Satan, but this one definitely is a demon child. "You can't tell me what to do, only my mommy and daddy can! Oh whatcha gonna do? Cry? What an asshole!" He tells you. You run to tell security to come get the kid in tears. After you do, you go in the play area (tunnels, structure, i don't know what it is called but if your reading this story I think you know what I mean). Sit there crying for a couple minutes when you hear Sunny. "Oh my! Are you okay y/n? What happened!" He says worriedly. "The little kid started-" but before you could finish you started balling your eyes out. You have never been treated so badly, and it was a child. He rapped his arms around your body and held you tight. "It's okay Sunshine, I'm hear, I'll always be hear for you no matter what." He held you for an hour. "You should go check on the kids" you say. "Are you sure? I don't want to leave you." He says. "I'll wait here for you" you say. He goes and checks on the kids. A little bit later you see Sunny skip into the room with the kids behind him. "Who wants a snack?" You asks the kids. "I do!" They all shout. They eat snacks as parent come to pick up their kids. After the kids are all gone he comes back. "I'm going to go and get ready for bed and then come back" you say. "Okay sunshine, I'll see you in a little bit!" Sunny says to try and cheer you up. You get ready for bed at your apartment and go back to MPP. You slide down the slide to the daycare and see Sunny just finishing cleaning up. "I could have helped you clean up." You said. "No it fine! It would be faster if I just did it while you were gone, Let's go up to my room!" He says. You grab snacks and head up to Sunnies room. You sit on the the pallet and eat your snacks while you stare at the floor still really upset.
Then over the speakers you hear "thanks for coming to the Mega Pizza Plex! We hope you enjoyed your stay and you come back soon!"

Word count: 1218

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